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I cant believe Ryan just sent that text!

It said "Hey, Jasmine! Are You still at Jennys? Anyway she stole my bestfriend and made my life into hell and i swear i'm gonna kill her, nobody can stop me, i got everything planned."

I honestly almost cried when i read that. "That fucking bastard is not gonna touch my girlfriend" i hear Justin said, i made an eye contact with Justin

"Please, stay out of this! I dont want You to Get hurt" i said and kissed his cheek

"Are You serious? That fucking bastard is about to kill You and You really want me to stay out of This?" He Asked and gave me the look.

"Dont say that! I dont want to be killed" i snapped at him.

He came closer and gave me a hug, i felt so safe when he gave me those hugs. He kissed my forhead "im here to protect You, you're not gonna die, imma kill him" he whisperd

"Justin, don-"

"I dont care what You say! Im gonna kill him, he's not gonna touch you"he yelled



Its been so many hours and we've just Been sitting here and talking about Ryan.

I also packed my stuff for tomorrow, since we're flying Back to Canada, im really nervous, i really dont want to face Ryan. because he does not know that me and Justin have read the message, since it was sent to Jasmine he thinks that only Jasmine've read it. So i have to act like i've never seen the message.

I was lying in the middle of Jasmine and Justin in my bed, and they're both scrolling down their phones and im just sitting here thinking and thinking.

"Should we tell your dad about the text?"Jasmine said

"No, never."

"Why not?"

"Why would i tell him? And if Ryan really kills me and i die, nobody would care anyway" i explained

"Dont You ever say that again!!" Justin said and he sounded very mad "i would care, everyone would care. Dont ever say that again, do You understand?"

"Its the truth Justin. Even if You and Jasmine really 'Care' doesnt mean that everyone would care, i hate my life. I wish i was never born, im a wasted person, im unwanted, worthless, im ugly, usele-" Justin interrupted me by kissing me.

"What You just said broke my heart. I never thought that my girl felt that way, why Didn't You tell me?"

"Tell You what? The truth?" I Asked

"Jenny.....You are beautiful and i love You more than anything, You are not worthless, useless, wasted or ugly. I think You are perfect in every single way, what made You think that you're not? Im Justin Bieber and i meet girls everyday and There is a million girls out There dying to marry me, but you're the one i chose. I love you" he said and kissed me, i kissed back.

"You're the sweetest" i said and kissed him "i Love You too" i whispered

"Alright, im sitting right here, i dont want to watch You guys kiss and maybe it will turn out to be something Else too." She said and we laughed along with here

"Well, i want to sleep" i said.

"Alright, good Night beautiful" he said and kissed my forhead.




We we're inside the AirPort, i looked out of the Window and i honestly dont want to go Back to Canada, i hope Ryan was kidding, well probably not , but i hope he was.

I fell in love with my bestfriend (Justin Bieber, Love story)Where stories live. Discover now