Luke is a bitch

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***Justins POV***

"Listen....whenever someone hurts You or touches You, then tell me. I will protect You, ok? I want to work things out with You"

"This is the Justin i used to know" she said and smiled

"But, we have to keep our love as a secret at school, because if anyone sees me with You, they will try to take You away from me." I said

"Jupp, i understand. But dont start to flirt with other girls or do something with them"she said

"Alright" i said and hugged her

"What happend to Ryan after You shot him?" She Asked

"I left him, before the cops came"

"Ohh, i understand" she paused "i think i'll have to go to the bathroom now" she smiled

"You still want to go to school?" I Asked

"Nope, i cant Even walk. People will probably Ask why, and then ill just have to say; Justin fucked me the whole Night" she chuckled

"Thats my girl. Do You need help to go to the bathroom?" I Asked

"I'll be fine, thank You" she kissed my lips and Went into the bathroom.


I ended up spending my day in Jenny's bed, we were lying next to each other talking about everything.

My phone started to call and i picked it up.

"Hello?" I questioned as Jenny was playing with my hand

"Dude, where in the world are You?" I heard Daniel shout

"Why?" I Asked

"We thought someone killed You" he replied

"Dude, im fine" i chuckled

"Thats good, mind telling me where You are?" He Asked

"Guess once and guess twice" i laughed

"You're with Jenny?" He Asked


"I have to stop You from having fun, cause Luke spread some bad rumors about your girl." He said

"What now?" I Asked

"Some dirty picture of Jenny" he mumbled

"What? Where did he Get them from?"

"He said Jenny sent it to him, but chill bro' they look edited. The bad thing is that people believe in him"

"That son of a bitch" i mumbled and i felt Jenny squeeze my hand "look i'll meet ya'll up 7:00pm at my house, be There." I said and hung up

"What was it?" Jenny Asked

"Did You sent nudes to Luke?" I Asked

"No, i swear i never did" she said and looked me in th eyes, i could tell she was telling the truth

"He spread some dirty pictures of You at school today. Daniel said they were edited but some people at school believed in luke" i explained

"Luke would never do that" she whispereded

"But he did, and its not a joke. I told You many times to stay away from luke."

"But he seemed so Nice" she shook her head

"But he wasnt, i told You that he just used You. But dont worry, i'll fix everything at school tomorrow" i kissed her hand

"Means a lot" she mumbled and smiled at me

I fell in love with my bestfriend (Justin Bieber, Love story)Where stories live. Discover now