My boyfriend.

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Jennys POV

After Ryan called i pulled my phone away "Lets go to Ryan" i said and stood up. "Wait" Justin said and grabbed my arm "im really sorry, im not gonna break your heart i swear. I cross my heart and i hope to die, just give me One chance, i like You a lot, i wish You knew that i was crying and dying the month we didnt talk, Everything seemed so empty without you! I really love you" he said and kissed me for a long time

"Will You be my Girlfriend and i swear i'll never let You go or break your heart?" He Asked and looked me in the eyes. I really think he is cute, he is really trying as hard as possible, but i wasnt ready to be in a realationship yet "can i Get some time to think on it?" I Asked and looked at him. He nodded and i gave him a hug.

"Now Lets go to Ryan" i said and smiled. We got in Justins car and it was awkward silence the whole drive. We knocked on his door and Ryan greeted us and let us come in, we went inside his room and they started to play again, and its extremely boring.

"Can we do something i like?" I Asked and looked at them while scrolling down my IPhone "we dont like girly stuff" Ryan said while playing

"Lets do something else, She wants to do something Else"Justin said and payed the attention to me "what the hell Justin?! This is OUR night not jennys, this is a Boy night not a girl night, you've changed a lot bieber! And thats not good, your changing just because of Jenny" Ryan said and i felt like crying. Is this my fault? I didnt do anything! Why Does everybody hate me?

"Hey! Dont blame her, besides i haven't changed im still Bieber" Justin and grabbed my hand gently. "No your not" Ryan shouted "and You dont stand there, like your innocent you've changed my bestfriend You FUCKING slut!" He yelled and pointed at me.

I pushed him in to the wall "why the hell do You blame me for all this bullshit, your Such a jerk! I dont understand why everybody hates me but i feel like i dont have any true friends, because ever since i started to hang with You guyse....You just make me feel more and more worthless and just because my mom left doesn't mean that You just can hurt my feelings like that" i said and slapped him and ran away a place they wont find me, hopefully.

-Ryans POV-

What the Fuck did i just Say to her, i understand why She is so mad at me. She slapped me so hard "look what you've done" Justin said. "Dude im so sorry" i said "its ok, its just that im sick of people telling me i've changed" he said and looked out of the window "im Sorry bro' i've messed this night up" i said and gave him a side hug

"I need to Go Check out if Jenny is ok" he said and started to walk "tell her im really sorry" i said. He nodded and then he left.

-Justins POV-

Why is Ryan acting all like bullshit, i need to find Jenny, the words She said a while ago Made me so sad, i didnt know She felt it that way. I knocked on her door, but nobody opened the door. I tried to call her but She didnt pick up her phone, where the hell is She?

"Jenny, where are you?!" I shouted and ran "OMG its Justin Bieber!!!!" A girl shouted and everybody started to run after me. Oh god, this is no time for fans, i need to find jenny. I ran away from them and ran in to a dark wood, where nobody could see me.

-Jennys POV-

I was hiding in a dark place i really couldnt see where i was, but im sick of being called a slut just because of Justin, he is a trouble for me, i really like him but i feel like he is a HUGE problem for me.

I was crying and i just wanted to die, Ryan Made me feel so worthless. I wanna go talk to my best friend Christian, but he is mad at me. So i decided to go to Caitlin. I was walking around trying to find out where i was. I looked around and i Saw a person coming towards me, i couldnt see who that person was because Everything was black.

I was scared, the person came closer "jen?" Then i knew it was Justin. "Oh my Godness i've Been looking for you, are You ok?" He Asked and hugged me. I nodded i looked up to the cloud and it started to Rain "Ryan is apologizing" he said, i rolled my eyes.

"You wanna come Home to me and ill make You some hot Choclate" he said and looked me in the eyes, i nodded and smiled "why dont You talk?" He Asked. "Because" i answered and trying to find my way out of this wood. He followed after me. It started to Rain Even more.

"Jen?" He said and broke the silence "what?" I replied while trying to find my way out. "Im Sorry for everything, you probably hate me dont You?" He grabbed my arm and looked me in the eyes "i dont hate you, i love you" i said and bit my Lips, he licked his Lips and came closer and kissed me. I felt butterflies in my stomach. We pulled away and started to walk. His hair was over wet and so was mine.

We Found our way out and we drove Home to Justin, he Made me some hot Choclate and we sat down in his room. "You like it?" He Asked and looked at me "i love it!" I said. "Where is your mom?" I added. "She is with scooter, they are at my studio and talking about my career and stuff" he said.

"I wrote something for you" he said and started to play on his guitar. "Are You ready?" He Asked and i nodded. And then he started to sing..

"Well let me tell you a story

About a girl and a boy

He fell in love with his best friend

When she's around, he feels nothing but joy

But she was already broken, and it made her blind

But she could never believe that love would ever treat her right

But did you know that I love you? or were you not aware?

You're the smile on my face

And I ain't going nowhere

I'm here to make you happy, i'm here to see you smile

I've been wanting to tell you this for a long while

What's gonna make you fall in love

I know you got your wall wrapped all the way around your heart

Don't have to be scared at all, oh my love

But you can't fly unless you let ya,

You can't fly unless you let yourself fall" he stopped singing and looked at me.

"Im not done with this song yet" he said "wow, Justin thats so cute, i love it!" I said and almost cried, this was the cutest thing that a Boy have EVER wrote for me. "Dont cry" he said and hugged me. After a long silence i started to talk "yes" i whispered, Justin looked at me "yes? What yes?" He Asked and chuckeled Which Made him look so cute.

I looked at him "yes, i want to be your girlfriend" i said and kissed him. "Finally" he mumbled as we kissed

I fell in love with my bestfriend (Justin Bieber, Love story)Where stories live. Discover now