Same day

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Ofcourse im still mad at him for what he did, but everybody makes mistakes, right?

We were still alone in the living was silence for a very long time and i was laying on Jutins chest. Hearing his heart beat. He was playing with my hair

"Your hair smells so good" he said and giggled "glad You liked it" i said.

I Wonder if he actually remember who he slept with, im gonna murder that girl.

"Justin?" I Asked and broke the silence "mhm" he said and closed his eyes

"You probably dont want to talk about it, but do You remember the girl?" I Asked and whispered the lat words

"What girl?" He asked. And i gave him an obvious look "ohhh, that girl....uummm i dont remember who She was. Im sorry. We can just forget about it, right?" He Asked and kissed my forhead. I nodded and listened to his heart beat.

I cant trust him s much as i did before, because he slept with someone Else while he was in a realationship.


10:15 Am

"Honey? Its time for You to wake up" i heard my dad say. I was in my bed. I probably fell asleep on Justins chest yesterday. "Breakfast about 10 minutes" my dad said before he left the room.

Shit. I have to hurry up. I went to the bathroom and washed my face. I did my hair and makeup.

I was wearing a black skinny ripped pants and a pink V line T-shirt.

I ran downstairs and Saw Justin, Jasmine and my dad Sitting in the kitchen. "Goodmorning" i said and smiled to everyone.

Somehow Justin Seems to be very sad, looks like something is bothering him. He didnt Even look at me. He kept looking down. I sat next to Jasmine and Justin sat infront of me.

Dad gave me my pancakes and i started to eat them. "So, when are we heading back to Canada?" I Asked and looked at Justin. "Tomorrow" he winked at me and smiled.



I was in my room with Jasmine and Justin. We had some much fun, i missed them so badly. "I need to pee" Jasmine said and ran to the bathroom, Justin and i were just laughing at her.

It was silence for a while "You seem to be very quit today, are You ok?" I Asked him and smiled at him "yeah, im fine" he said and looked down once again. Why?? I swear something is bothering him.

"Justin, You know we can talk about everything, right?" I said and kissed his cheek. He nodded and looked me in his eyes, i could feel that he is in pain.

"Justin, tell me" i said looked at him.

"You hate me. Dont you?" He said and looked out the window.

"No i dont. I love you"

"But you're probably still mad at me? You'll probably never be able to trust me again and it hurts" he said and played with my hair.

"I mean....of course im still mad, and i still trust you, but not as much as i did before. But dont think about it, i just want to know why You did it. I mean just because You were drunk doesn't mean You absolutley cant control yourself" i said.

He was laying right next to me on the bed, he was playing with my hair.

"I was drunk, i still remember how the girl looked like, but i dont remember who She was. But it was Ryans fold, because i told him that i didnt wanted to go inside, but he made me go inside the club" he said

I felt anger built up inside my body. Why Does Ryan ALWAYS have to control Justin?

"I promise to not hurt You again, baby" he said and kissed me softly.

"Im Sorry, but i dont know if i can believe in that, you always tell me that you wont hurt me, but thats the first thing you do" i whispered

He rolled his eyes and faked a small smile "i will prove it to you."

Jasmine came out of the bathroom.

"Guys i just got a text from Ryan and im not so sure if You want to hear it" she said and looked down at her phone.

"What did he say? Tell us" Justin said

Jasmine came closer and gave us the phone so we could read the text.



Im so so so so so so sorry for late update, i actually have a few reasons i was at 3 Bieber Concerts Last week and also has a lot of homework before the Concerts Etc... Hope ya'll understand

I fell in love with my bestfriend (Justin Bieber, Love story)Where stories live. Discover now