Mom and Jason

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*Jennys POV*

"I love You" justin said as he tickled me. We were in his room alone, we left them others down stairs.

"But You know You have to go to the doctor" he added as he layed over me and stroke my hair

"Justin, im scared" i told him

"Scared of what?" He looked me in the eyes

"I dont know, im just scared" i replied

"You don't have to be scared, im gonna be There by your side all the time" he kissed me softly "alright? Lets go to the doctor. They're not gonna hurt You" he added

"Fine" i said.

-2 hours later-

Scooter drove Justin, Luke, Pattie and I to the hospital. Ryans mom and Ryan Went home.

We were sitting in the waiting-room, i was just waiting for the doctor to call my name.

"You look nervous" luke said

"I am nervous" i mumbled

"Dont be, you're cute" he replied

"You know she is my girlfriend, right?" Justin looked at Luke

"I think he knows, its not a big thing if he calls me cute, Justin. Its still a Friendzone thing" i rolled my eyes

"I hope so" he mumbled.

I saw a Blonde doctor opened the door "Jenny Sparks, you ready to go in?" She smiled at me

"Sure" i replied and got up. "Dont be scared, you'll be fine" i heard Justin say behind me.

I stepped inside and There was two chairs There and i sat down on the one to the left.

"So....i heard You got raped" she said as she looked down at her papers and started to take notes as Soon as i started to talk

"Yes, i got raped"

"Do You know This guy or was it a stranger?" She Asked

"I know him" i said as she took some notes

I took the syringe and she took notes again. She smiled at me "Jenny, You are Just fine. Nothing happend. It seems like he used protection, so You are not pregnant" she smiled and gave me a Hug.

"Oh my god,im so happy right now. Thank You!" I said and ran out to Justin.

"Im not pregnant, yaayy" i laughed and hugged Justin. He laughed and kissed my forhead.

"Thank god" i heard Pattie whispered in the corner.

"Jenny?" Justin whispered

"What?" I smiled and looked him in the eyes. He smiled, not a normal smile, it was something behind it. He couldnt stop smiling. "What is it?" I smiled and waited for him to answer. He smiled Even more "tell me" i hit his chest and grabbed his hand.

"I have some good and bad news for You, what do You want to hear first?" He said

"I want to hear the good news first" i smiled Back at him

"Your mom and your brother is here in Canada, she is waiting for You at your house. She's leaving about a week. I know that You miss them and love them." He said

"Are You kidding? Oh my gosh im so happy" i jumped of joy and gave Justin a kiss. He pulled away.

I looked at him and he Didn't really looked happy. "Whats the bad news?" I Asked

"Im gonna be touring for 3 months, i dont know when im able to see You again" he explained

"What? When are You leaving?" I Asked

"About 2 days" he looked down.

"Hellooo? Can we leave?" I heard Luke shout.


1 hour later

I was at Justins house and packing my stuff, cause i was going home to see my mom. My house is next to Justins so i forget something i'll just Get it.

"You ready to see your mom, baby" he whispered and kissed my forhead. I nodded as he carried my bags.

We Went all the way to my house. I knocked at the door. I was kinda nervous.

I saw someone opened the door and my mom stood There. "mom!" I shouted and gave her a Hug "i missed You so much!" I cried and didnt let go of her.

"Honey, i missed You too" he kissed my cheek and pulled away.

I saw someone behind her and it was my little brother "Jason" i smiled at him and hugged him. "I missed You as well"

"Hi Justin" mi mom said and greeted him. Justin carried my bags to my room. I followed after him.

"So, whats ur plans for the rest of the Night?" He Asked and came closer to my face. He gently pushed me to the wall and looked me in the eyes. I could Feel his fresh breath against my face.

"I dont know, what ur plans?" I Asked and kissed him gently.

"Maybe spending a little time with my special girl" he whispered.

"And who is This special girl you're talking about?" I teased him

"Her name is Jenny Sparks" he kissed me and carried me all the way to the bed. He was lying over me.

"Tomorrow is my last day here with You in Canada, i'm gonna be touring for 3 months" he said.

"Dont ruin This moment" i told him.

"Sorry" he mumbled and laughed.

"I Love You, Justin" i whispered

"I love You the most, baby" he kissed me with passion.


I am so so so sorry for This late update. Im Travelling on Sunday and i'm gonna be away the WHOLE summer. And i honestly dont know if i have internet This summer, but i'll try to find the network so i can update for ya'll. I really hope im gonna be having internet This summer.

Instagram: @FatinJarrari

I fell in love with my bestfriend (Justin Bieber, Love story)Where stories live. Discover now