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Detailed explanation and instructions were passed on to Sebastian via Video call. From what to do, when to do, where to do, and how to do it, everything was laid out in a matter of minutes.

After receiving careful instructions, Sebastian excused himself from his employer as he readied the needed documents and materials to execute the plan. Hundreds of thoughts ran through the orange lad's mind to weave a seamless plan, and everything was perfect, from start to finish.

His mind was brought back to the present by a knock from the door, "Entrez" (Enter) the injured boy softly said, and the door revealed a nurse who smiled in return. "Je Suis Ici pour vous dire le diagnostic. Les entraîneurs de Votre camp ont dit Que Vous pouviez gérer de telles Nouvelles." (I'm here to tell you the diagnosis. The coaches of your camp said that you could handle such news.).The nurse paused, waiting for an answer. A small nod was given by the boy urging the nurse to continue with the diagnosis.

After the rundown, the small boy's eyes widened with fear as tears slowly formed, fingers trembling, breathing hitched-


"Après un examen approfondi, il a été conclu que si la fissure Sur Votre Colonne vertébrale ne guérissait pas Avant Deux semaines, Vous ne pourrez probablement pas Jouer au volleyball." (After a thorough examination, it was concluded that if the crack on your spine does not make any recovery by two weeks, you will most likely be unable to play volleyball.) The nurse said with a weak smile.

My breathing hitched, my mind stopped working as the words 'Unable to play Volleyball' rang in my head. Tears started to form in my eyes as I start thinking, what should I do? 'I can't stop playing! Not now, not when I'm improving so much! Fuck! Doctors, I can get Doctors right?!' I mentally cursed, but my thoughts were interrupted by the nurse once again.

"Vous êtes jeune, fort et en très bonne santé. Ayez confiance en Votre corps et reposez-Vous Bien. Nous ferons de Notre mieux pour Vous donner la quantité adéquate de vitamines, qui Vous aidera à récupérer!" (You're young, strong, and very healthy. Have faith in your body and take plenty of rest. We will do our best in giving you the adequate amount of vitamins that will help you in recovery!)

She's just trying to cheer me up. I shook my head and gave a small smile. "Vous avez raison, Je suis jeune et fort. Je vais bien, pouvez-vous appeler mon majordome? Je parie qu'il est dehors en ce moment. Merci." (You're right, I'm young and strong. I'll be fine, can you please call my butler? I bet he is outside right now. Thank you.)

She nodded before walking out, and minutes passed. My butler came in. "You called Young Master?" he asked, making me sigh. "Well, find me a good doctor and therapist. I need to recover fast. Bring the office work here and the files I asked earlier."

"Yes, My Lord," he bowed and excused himself, leaving me in this cold, lonely room. It's early noon, and I'm bored; picking up the phone, I decided to call my best friends; Kiyoko, Yachi, Ennoshita, Kinoshita, and Narita. I made sure to lean on the wall instead of the bed so that they won't see that I'm in a hospital. I want to keep it to myself first.

𝐒𝐎 𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐘 𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐆𝐎𝐓 𝐇𝐔𝐇? | 𝐇.𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐄𝐌Where stories live. Discover now