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"Fuck, I can't stop myself from smiling. What have you done to me, Hinata?" Kita thought as he stood in front of Hinata's penthouse room. He never felt this jittery in his whole life; he never felt this anxious and excited. It was a new feeling for him, and oh boy, he isn't handling it well.

He knocked- once, twice, thrice. Biting his lips as soon as he heard shuffling on the other side of the door, his heart raced; he was shaking, and his heart was pounding so loud he is scared Hinata would hear it.

"Mornin' Kita-senpai. Come in; the twins are still sleeping. Just let me take a bath, m'kay?" The topless angel asked, his voice still raspy from waking up, rubbing his eyes with such grace he never thought was possible. 'Shit' that's the only word his poor mind produced.

He was ushered by the still sleepy Hinata inside the room, where he saw the twins sleeping soundly, both topless and are sprawled all over the bed. His eyes shifted at the retreating ginger figure, a towel, and change of clothes on hand.

His eyes wandered everywhere; a photo caught his eyes. "Pretty," he mumbled as he caressed the frame with such gentleness as if he was holding a very fragile thing. A photo of Hinata's family, a ginger beauty standing beside an ash gray-haired man, sitting down was an ash gray hinata that looked like his twin, but with different hair color, Shoyo himself on the left and the middle was a little girl, a mini Hinata Shoyo.

He was mesmerized by the beauty of the family, 'It runs in the blood,' he reasoned to himself. "Ahh, Kita-senpai. Oh, you saw that haha, you hadn't met Nat-chan and my parents yet, right? You'll get to meet them soon, don't worry." He stared too much at the photo; he didn't realize that Shoyo finished taking a bath.

"Ah, yeah, um, sure. That'd be great." Kita answered, a bit startled and nervous. The Inarizaki captain turned around and saw Shoyo changing clothes to comfortable tight jeans, paired with a loose black shirt and high cut shoes. He pulled his hair into a messy man bun and patted his hair once he felt he looked decent.

Shoyo flashed a smile on the senior, who did nothing but eye him down, then walked towards the sleeping twins on his bed. He shook them awake, "I'll be going now, m'kay? Eat some later; love you both." The twins nodded; Osamu reached out for Shoyo's cheeks and kissed them while Atsumu reached out in a grabby hands position; Shoyo chuckled and held the half-asleep Atsumu and kissed his cheek before letting go.

"Let's go?" Kita spoke, his poor brain slowly working. Shoyo nodded and intertwined their fingers, tugging his senpai towards the elevator. "What will we be doing today, Kita-senpai?" The childish glint on Shoyo's eyes was too much for Kita's heart, his poor weak heart.

"Please, Hinata. Stop calling me senpai, Kita, or Shinsuke is fine. Also, I don't have anything in mind in particular, so a road trip, maybe? If that's fine with you." Kita averted his gaze, not wanting to see the inevitable disappointment he knows the ginger will feel.

"Really?!" Shoyo squealed; Kita turned to him- eyes wide. "It's been a while since I last went around Aichi! Oh, oh, oh! Shin, can we go to the Inuyama castle? I wanna revisit it. It's been months since I last stepped foot there! Also, can we go to Chausuyama? Please? Pretty please?" and there, Shoyo unleashed his secret weapon, puppy eyes.

How he pulled the stunt where he literally went from deliciously hot to squishy cute, no one knows. But oh boy, Kita wasn't ready for any of it. He was so prepared to claim that he is a Kenma-Atsumu level simp for Shoyo, without a doubt- without any shame.

One, Shoyo was happy even if the date wasn't planned; he himself was disappointed that he couldn't do any planning at all. A rare chance to date the boy he adored with all his being, and he couldn't even impress the ginger, yet the younger didn't even seem to mind.

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