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"Sho-kun!! Wake up! Wake Up!" Atsumu bounced on the bed, smooching Shoyo's face to wake the sleeping ginger up. "Tsumu~ Five more minutes~" Shoyo groggily said, husky voice ringing in the almost empty room. 'Fuck, that's hot.' Tsumu and Samu thought at the same time.

The twins smiled when they realized that Shoyo could differentiate them just by voice. Being identical twins made them too much alike, other than the passive-aggressive attitude of Samu that contrasts with Tsumu's irrational-aggressive approach. Nothing really differentiates them unless you see their hair; it really is hard to point who is who. Physical appearance, voice (Although Atsumu has a higher pitchy voice- when he relaxes, his voice syncs perfectly with Osamu), and facial structure, likes, and dislikes- they used their alikeness to their advantage.

"Shoyo-kun, if ya don't wake up now, we'll pick ya up n' personally bathe cha," Samu whispered, lips dangerously near the ginger's ear- hot breath sending shivers down the younger's spine. "Hmm~ I don't mind that, Samu." Shoyo's voice dropped an octave lower, making it more seductive. The twins gulped as they thought how thin the ice they are stepping on right now. They are so close to striping the ginger and jumping on him, but Semi, Kita, and Kenma's faces flashed on their minds. "Remember the agreement, keep your dicks on your pants, or we'll cut em' off."

"Fine, sleep in it is." Samu chuckled at the dejected face of his twin, knowing well that the older wanted to play volleyball with the newly improved version of the man he swore to be with on the same side of the net. Atsumu dejectedly laid on the left while Osamu on the right, cuddling with the half-asleep ginger in the middle. They snuggled up close, laying their heads on either side of Shoyo's broad-toned shoulders.

"Let's sleep some more; I'm sorry- still tired from yesterday's shoot and midnight meeting. We'll play later, nonstop, I promise." Shoyo softly said as he kissed the twin's forehead while playing with their hair, "'S okay, Sho-kun, love ya'" Tsumu mumbled, his words slightly muffled as he pressed himself more to the gingers chest. "Tsum's right, 'ts okay. We love ya'" Samu whispered with half-lidded eyes, sleep making its way to his system.

"I love you both"

It was already lunchtime when the trio woke up; Shoyo hurriedly took a bath. He left the bathroom with his jersey shorts and a towel draped around his shoulders. The twins froze on the spot, a topless, still dripping wet, Hinata Shoyo in front of them. They stared as droplets of water traced the ginger's sharp jaws, toned muscles, and abs- throats dried as mouths salivate. 'Fuck-' they muttered under their breaths.

"Come 'ere Shoyo-kun; I'll dry your hair." Osamu gestured for Shoyo to come to him, to which the boy complied. "Ah, Tsumu. Can you get my shoulder pads, knee pads, and training shirt?" Shoyo asked as he sat in between Osamu's legs. Atsumu nodded and took the said clothing and equipment, which landed on the floor with a loud thud.

"The fuck Sho-kun?! These shits are heavy as fuck!" Atsumu screeched, "Nah, I have heavier pieces of equipment at France Tsumu." "How heavy are these things?!" The faux blonde asked as he picked up the weighted shoulder and knee pads.

"Around 10 each pad?" Shoyo nonchalantly said, loving the way Samu dries his hair. "Wait- so ya' telling me that ya' played with us for 8 straight games, 2 sets each with at least 40 kilos in tow?!" Atsumu looked at the ginger, bewildered at the statement.

"Yep! I have 15's and 20's that I left in France! They're a bit too heavy and bulky to bring, and I can have another one custom-made if I needed a new pair. There are no such pads sold in the market; I had it when I asked my dad to make me one." Shoyo chuckled as he stood up, hair completely dried. He kissed Osamu's cheek and whispered a soft thank you before grabbing the pads and shirt from Atsumu.

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