Isn't That Swell?

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     I reluctantly shoved my things into a backpack. It was Sunday and I had to see my dad again. My phone buzzed.

Tall Fuck: Sup, Loser

    I considered ignoring Jones, but she'd probably spam my phone until I replied. 

Me: What do you want?

Tall Fuck: Aww, why so mean?

Me: Seriously, why are you texting me?

Tall Fuck: Can't a girl text her favorite white bitch without wanting something?

Me: No. 

     I turned off my phone and walked to the door. My mom was yelling at someone, who I presumed to be my dad. She sighed and looked up at me. 

     "Hurry up, he's waiting outside." My mother dismissed me, walking into her room. I scoffed and ran to the outside of our apartment complex. 

    "Hey Riley." My father half-smiled at me. 

     "It's Rue" I replied, annoyed.

     "What was that?" I couldn't tell if he was trying to piss me off or not, but I just stayed silent. 

      The car ride was long and draining. His weak attempts of communication with me only fueled my angry. Rude comments like, "You still hanging out with that slutty ginger?" or "If you keep dressing like that people will think your a d**e" I stayed as silent as I could and scooted to farthest edge away from him. The air almost felt as toxic as he was. I took a deep breathe as we reached his house.

     It was a rundown one-story house in a bad neighborhood. The inside smelled like cigarettes and the place was filthy. My dad grab a beer from his fridge and sat down on the sofa. I stood quietly by the front door until he turned on the tv and forgot my existence. I walked into the small room that was mine before the divorce. It was just a bed and a collection of things I couldn't fit into the apartment. 

    I collapsed onto the bed and closed my eyes. My phone began to buzz in my backpack. It was Jones. Seeing as I had nothing better to do, I decided to answer. 

   "Oh shit you answered. Heyyyyyyyyyyyyyy" Jones voice was actually pretty calming. I just sighed, letting Jones led the conversation. "I'm like on my own, no surprise, and I just wanted to see how you be." 

   "I'm fine, Jones" I could tell Jones was outside from the sound of harsh wind and cars. I rolled over on my bed.

   "Well isn't that swell?" Jones hummed. For a while, we just stayed on the phone while Jones walked around. It was peaceful, just laying on my bed listening to the sound of Jones walking and occasionally humming. 

  "Oh shit." I heard Jones mumble before she started to run. I was starting to panic, constantly calling out Jones, only to be met with the sound of wind hitting a phone. 

   "Hey dick!" I hear yelled out, which I presumed was Jones voice. 2 voices yelled back at each other, one of which was Jones. Finally, Jones spoke to me, "Fucking asshole. Oh fuck, hey Rue. Sorry, I had to... take care of something."

   "Heyyyy, Jonesyyyyy." A slurred voice called out on Jones's end. 

   "Hold on, love" She whispered. "So, I found Rose Summer" Jones painfully laughed. 

    I sat up on my bed, "Is she alright?"

    "I think, I'm going to help her home though." Jones replied.

    "Omg Jones when did you get so pretty?" A voice, I assumed Rose Summer, slurred. 

    Jones laughed, a heavy somber laugh. "I'll talk to you later, Rue." Jones hung up.

    I starred at my phone for a minute, processing what just happened. I turned off my phone and threw it on the other side of the bed. I decided to take a nap, and just pretend everything was fine. 

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~author's note~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Word Count: 628

Quick filler chapter that's builds character slightly ig. But the important shit is about to happen :D

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