Carry Me, Daddy

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     The ride didn't take long before we were standing in front of Jones's house. Jones lived in this gorgeous neighborhood filled with big houses. There were statues and shops lined up more down the road. Adorable houses with big gardens filled the entrance. There was an even a gate you had to open with a password to get to the house section. Jones drove the car into her garage. 

     As we got out, Jones helped Rose Summer. "Carry me, daddy" Rose Summer said, looking Jones in the eyes. Jones soft blush started to creep across her face, she bit her lip and picked up Rose Summer bridal style. Rose Summer laughed and winked at me as Jones carried her into the house. Honey chuckled, grabbed my hand and skipped to the door. 

     There was no comparison, Jones had the best house out of all of ours. The front yard was nicer than my apartment. The exterior was a beautiful eggshell, huge windows with baby blue curtains. Her house was 2 stories, not including the basement and attic. The roof was tiled with a chimney peaking out. And my favorite of all, the wrap-around porch. It reminded me of a movie I saw, and I swore to have a wrap-around porch one day. 

     I practical fell inside from the force of Honey's skipping, and since Honey refused to let go, she fell to. It didn't long before Honey bounced back up, I decided for some reason to stay on the floor, only getting up when Jones kicked me. 

    "Come on! We have a movie to watch!" Rose Summer said running up the stairs and swinging around the corner, Honey following close behind. "Hey! You didn't take your shoes off!" Jones shouted after her, "Wait... I THOUGHT YOU COULDN'T WALK! COME BACK HERE!" Jones darted up the stairs. I heard Rose Summer laugh, than scream as I heard a thunk. I ran up after to follow the others.

     Jones room was simply. A bed, nightstand, closet , desk, and computer. Everything following a lilac theme. The only thing that stood out was a picture of everyone on her nightstand. It had been taken by Rose Summer the day we meet. I smiled at the picture, we all seemed so young then. My hair had just stared to fade into pink and it hadn't been cut yet. Honey, who was a year younger than all of us, had a shy smile on her lips. Rose Summer, who had her arm around Honey, was laughing with her tongue stuck out. Jones, who was standing in the very back, had her head down and arms crossed. I hadn't noticed before, but she was looking at Rose Summer with sadness in her eyes.

     "Put that down and get your ass over here, Rue!" Rose Summer called at me. Jones pulled a tv out of her closet and began to set it up on the floor. "You just keep one of those in your closet?" Rose Summer asked getting up in Jones face. 

     "Get off." Jones pushed Rose Summer off of her, only for Rose Summer to sit in her lap. 

     "But why~?" Rose Summer purred, batting her eyes and tilting her head slightly. Jones made a disgusted face, pushing Rose Summer off again. Rose Summer laid down on her stomach facing Jones, kicking her legs and giggling. Jones looked at her, before moving. "Don't be mean, Oasis~" Rose Summer asked, mischief dancing in her eyes. 

      "Don't call me that!" Jones said, now standing. She glared at Rose Summer, who returned it with a smile,

      "Sorry, daddy~" Rose Summer said with mock sadness. At this point Jones picked Rose Summer up and headed for the door. "Wait! No! Daddy!" Rose Summer screamed. Jones didn't stop and headed for the front door. "JONES I'M SORRY!" She laughed while hitting Jones. "I'm injured! I'm too young to die! Help! RUE! HONEY!" Rose Summers pleas slowly coming out of earshot as she was thrown out of the house. All I could here was pounding on a door and Rose Summer begging to come in.

      I was once again alone with Honey, who was laughing at what was happening. "S-should we help her?" Honey asked. 

     "Nah, I'm surprised she was even let inside." I laughed, falling onto Jones bed. I felt guilt creep up again. I wondered if Honey still remembered how I left her. I looked over only to meet Honey's eyes. 


     "Hi." My hi was rushed and I wondered if she could notice me blushing. She sat there for a while, staring out the window. 

     "We aren't gonna watch a movie are we?" She laughed, moving closer to the window. Before I could reply, she, still looking out the window, asked me, "What do you want in life?" She looked over at me, before returning back to the window.

     I thought for a while, I really didn't know. There was so much one could do, and I hadn't even figured out what I wanted to major in, let alone become. The possibilities frightened me, and then I realized Honey was waiting for an answer. That frightened me more, I could say anything, but what if I said it wrong? What if I chose something that she would hate me for? 

    She stopped waiting for an answer, "I want a bakery." Her eyes looking over the town, filled with hopes and dreams. "One day, I'll have one. My very own bakery. People will come from all over just to try what I make." She stood up and walked towards me. "I want a house, to adopt 3 kids, and have dog. I want to help the world." She grabbed my hands, startling me. "I want to visit Europe every summer and try all kinds of food. I want to donate money every year to the poor. I want..." At this point, she was laying down next to me. I could feel her breathe against my neck. She wrapped her arms around me, her small body pressed up against me. She closed her eyes, I felt her eye lashes brush against my chin. "I want..."

     "Don't fuck in my bed, dudes!" Jones called out at us. Rose Summer jumped on top of us. "And don't break it either!" Jones said mostly towards a certain ginger. Honey laughed before letting go of me and laying on her back. I felt the warmth leave my body immediately, and I became angry at everyone else for not letting me hear the rest of her sentence. 

     "Aw, don't be shy, Joney. Join us." Rose Summer laughed. Jones walked over slowly and laid down on the other side of us, trying not to touch us. Rose Summer rolled off of us, to lay onto Jones's chest. 

    "I'm gonna need more drinks." She pushed Rose Summer off and walked downside. 

     It took us 30 minutes to settle down, grab food and drinks, and find places to sit. But once we did all that, we realized we didn't have a movie to watch. So, once again, another argument occurred. Jones wanted horror, Rose Summer wanted to watch something Rated R, and Honey wanted to watch animation. Obviously, Rose Summer's choice was declined first. I personally wanted horror, it was one of the few things Jones and I shared in common. 

      Jones took a sip from the bottle of vodka she had in her hand, "Why don't we just watch something that's animated and horror?" 

      Protests filled the room. I didn't really care at this point. I was tired and tipsy from the alcohol. I didn't notice myself slowly drift off to the sound of argument. I guess I was used to falling asleep to loud noises at this point.


Word Count: 1292

This one was long. I'm actually really happy with this chapter, the ending wasn't the best but it's like 10 am and I'm tired. Any way, going to my cousins over the weekends and might not have any time to write another chapter, so sorry. Have a nice day!

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