Love Waits For No One

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     "Hey Honey!" I yelled as I ran over to them. This caused Honey to get startled, making her fall backwards off her ladder. Luckily, there was a mat underneath the ladders, but Honey was still got hurt. The teacher rushed her to the nurse to see if anything was wrong.

     "Real smooth, Rue." Rose Summer laughed, as she climbed down her ladder. 

     "Shut up." I told her. Rose Summer ran her hand through my short hair. 

     "What ever is wrong, my dear?" Rose Summer asked, in a kind voice.

      "N-" I started, then reconsidered. "I want to ask Honey to the dance." I quickly told Rose Summer. 

      She laughed, "Finally. Come now my love, we must prepare." Rose Summer grabbed my arm and pulled me out of the gym.

       "What about detention?" I asked her, trying to pull back.

       "Unimportant, love waits for no one." Rose Summer tugged harder on my arm. I just gave into her grip, letting her drag me to wherever she was taking me. 

       She continue to pull on my arm until we got to her bedroom, which was an exhausting walk from the school. Rose Summer threw me down on her bed.

      "Alright, what's your plan?" Rose Summer sat down on a stool across from me.

      "Plan?" I asked her.

      "Like, how are you going to ask her? Flowers? Music? Chocolate?" She got up from her stool and grabbed my shoulders. 

      I hadn't thought about a plan. "Uh, I don't know. I thought I'd just ask." I shrugged my shoulders, knocking her hands off of them. 

       "Oh Rue." Rose Summer turned around. Then she slapped me.

       "What the fuck?" I asked her, rubbing my check. 

       "You don't just wow a girl by walk up to them and asking, 'hey wanna go to the dance?'" Rose Summer mocked me.

       "I don't know, that's how I'd wanna be asked out." I tried to reason with Rose Summer, but she was already planning out how I'll ask Honey out. 

       After a few hours of Rose Summer planning out everything, she had messaged Honey to meet us at the park. Rose Summer had forced me into a yellow tux, which I didn't think looked good on me, but we were too far into it to change the plan now. Rose Summer went over all the talking points and I tried to listen as best as I could. However, I couldn't help but feel like an idiot. As we walked into the park, we saw Honey sitting by a pond.

      "You got this Rue, no time to back out now" Rose Summer whispered. She put a cheesy love song on loud using her phone and a speaker. I took a deep breath, I was really doing this. I strutted over to Honey, rose in mouth. God this was stupid. Honey looked at me with a curious smile. I stood before her, bending down on one knee.

       I took the flower out of my mouth and offered it to Honey, "Honey, will you go to the dance with me?"

------------------------------author's note---------------------------

Word Count: 507

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