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     As I walked down the halls to my first class, the world seemed to stop. People stared, some whispered. Someone even yelled slut as I walked by. I wondered if this was how Rose Summer feels walking down the halls. I didn't envy her.

    "Rue, we got a problem." Jones grabbed my arm and pulled me into a corner at the end of the hall. There, Rose Summer and Honey talked silently, noticeably worried. 

    "What's this all about? I gotta get to class soon!" I asked impatiently, another tardy was the last thing I needed. Honey looked at me concerned as Jones let go of my arm.

    "Notice the whispering and name calling?" Jones asked, clearly annoyed. I nodded and rubbed my arm, Jones had a strong grip. "Well, fucking Daniel said that we were both trying to fuck him and shit." Jones looked like she was going to bend metal. 

    I was still trying to wrap my mind around this new information before I heard a familiar voice.

    "And here I was thinking y'all were gay" Felicity laughed behind me. 

    "Go fuck yourself." Rose Summer rolled her eyes, and made a gesture for Felicity to go away. Felicity snickered and walked away. 

     I heard Honey grumble, she seemed upset. I grabbed her hand and smiled down at the anger girl. She was so cute. I bet her lips were as soft as she was. I touched her cheek, but then the bell rang and we all started to panic. I let go of Honey and ran down the halls. 

     A few classes later, it was time for lunch. I was glad because the guy behind me was messing with my bra strap. If we weren't in school, I'd kick that loser. I picked up my books and ran out of class. I wanted to find Honey and talk to her about everything that's been happening, so I headed toward her geometry class. 

     As I walked, more like skipped, down the hall, I heard an angry voice yelling. I stopped in shock as I found the source of the yelling. In the middle of the hall way stood, Daniel, 2 of his jock friends, and Honey. Surprisingly, Honey was doing most of the yelling.

     "You absolute wanker! What kind of no brain fuckface do you have to be to start rumors about others to feel better about yourself?" Honey screamed, getting close up to the 3 boys.

     "Aw, did I upset you and your wittle fwiends?" Daniel mocked, amused by the small girl yelling at him. 

     His remark only made Honey madder. She pushed Daniel, causing him to fall back onto one of his friends. Daniel smirked down at her, pushing her onto the floor. I wanted to say something, but I was frozen in place. I was never good with conflict. But watching Honey get up only to be pushed down again pissed me off. I wanted to push them away from her and protect her, but I simple stood in the crowd of people who were also drawn to the fight. 

    "Hey cheater, back off." Jones appeared behind Daniel, roughly pulling down on the back of his collar.  This threw Daniel off balance, causing him to fall backwards onto the floor. Honey quickly moved over to stand beside Jones. She towered over the 3 boys, I forgot how tall she was. Jones was a generally scary person when she wanted to be, other times she was just a drunk smart ass. 

     Someone roughly grabbed my arm and started to pull. I look over to see Rose Summer pushing us through the crowd towards the fight. I shook my head and pulled back, trying to get her off of me. She tugged harder, hell bent on getting us both over to Jones and Honey. I eventually gave up trying to escape her grasp, and reluctantly followed her. Jones smiled at us as we stood behind her. Honey glared at Daniel, still pissed. I grabbed her hand and smiled at me. She looked up at me before turning her head back at Daniel. 

     Daniel's 2 friends seemed distressed as they tried to look for a way to leave. A circle of people were gathered around us. And in the distance, I could see 2 teachers walking towards us. Panic took over my body, I tried to stay as still as I could but my body felt like collapsing. 

     "Ugh, are we seriously gonna let these d**es push us around." Daniel looked at his friend, who clearly didn't want to be there. Daniel looked over at us, then specifically at me. He charged at me, wrapping his cold hands around my neck. I started to panic, doing everything I could to escape. His grip only got tighter as I fought to get him off of me. Rose Summer and Honey tried to pull him off of me as Jones pushed back his two friends. I slowly felt myself losing air, I tried to shout out, but nothing came out.

      I watched as teachers pushed their way through the crowd, yelling at the crowd to go away. I felt myself dying, a weird sensation. Upon seeing the teachers, Daniel let go of me and ran. I collapsed on the floor, breathing in as much air as I could. I cried. 

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~author's note~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Word Count: 888

Writing conflict is hard- (I hope this isn't as trash as I think this is, because I tried-)

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