Slut and co.

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     Lunch is were the most excitement happens, at least during school. A bustling room full of teenagers and hormones. Tables full of kids laughing and screaming, others in line to get food, while the more unpopular of us try and find a seat in all this chaos. 

     Even if we weren't the most popular kids, we still had our own table. Mostly because kids didn't bother sitting with us, besides the 2 kids that sat at the opposite end of us because they had no where else. I was always late to Lunch because I liked to stay behind and help the teachers clean up. Rose Summer always sat at the end, with her lunch, which was mostly influenced by the diet she was on. Jones, who sat next to Rose Summer, always ate the school lunch, in fact, she always bought two. Jones was very hungry, and could eat whenever she wanted to. Honey, on the other hand, always brought a small lunch. She didn't eat a lot, always a half a sandwich, some carrots, and a cupcake. Oh, and of course, some honey. Her parents were bee keepers, so normally, she always had honey on her. Rose Summer would always eat straight honey just to gross Jones out. To be honest, I wasn't the biggest fan of honey either. I always ate it, just because it was from Honey.

     However, this particular day, Felicity Pemperton decided to be a bitch. "Oh look, it's slut and co." The two girls behind her, Chelsea Wilson and  Taylor Marrell, laughed in that snooty way that you see popular kids in movies do. 

     "Oh, what a pleasant surprise! I was wondering when you'd come say hi." Rose Summer replied in mock happiness. It must of pissed them off, because Chelsea went up behind her and yanked her hair, causing Rose Summer to fall on her ass. The rest of us shared glances, we weren't the fighting type. Honey never raised her voice, I was to concerned with other things to bother caring what people did, then there was Jones. Jones was tall and lanky. She could easily win a fight, she just had a fear of getting hit. She played too much defense and never started a fight. But I guess today was different, because this 5 foot 10 girl stood up and slammed her hands on the table,

     "Enough." Jones said in a aggressive, yet somehow calm, tone. Rose Summer and Chelsea looked up at Jones, letting go of one other's shirt and hair. Felicity mumbled a small whatever before her and her posse walked to the other side of the Lunch room. 

     "Thanks, doll" Rose Summer winked up at Jones. Jones rolled her eyes, smirked, and replied with, "Anything for you, babwee grill" They held gaze for a while, before we all busted out laughing, causing the kids around us to look at us weird. Which only made us laugh harder. I had to stop laughing because I lost my breathe, but I looked back up at Jones, and started all over again. 

     Eventually, a teacher went over and told us to calm down. Rose Summer didn't stop laughing, and was kicked out of the room. Which made Jones silently laugh, "All right, I have a photography thing I have to get to, see y'all later." She picked up her stuff and walked out. Through the corner of my eye, I saw her blow a kiss to Rose Summer and Rose Summer returning it with a dramatic wave. 

      I suddenly realized, I was sitting alone with Honey. Honey moved from her seat next to me to Jones's. I was staring straight into her golden brown eyes. They looked like drops of Honey, like I could drown in that sticky substance. I wanted to touch the soft fabric of that pink dress she loved to wear. She giggled at me, and I suddenly realized how long I had been staring. 

     "I-i have to go." I picked up my stuff and ran out the room. I felt Honey's sad eyes stare after me as she sat at the table alone. I felt guilt grab me, but I shook it off and walked to my next class, trying to ignore Honey's silent pleads to stay with her.


Word count: 713

Hope y'all enjoyed this chapter. Heh, next chapter will be a bit mOre intense.

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