The Beginning

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     The car ride. The car ride was devastating. I sat in the back seat crying... no, sobbing. I even saw Rose Summer shed a tear, Rose Summer never cries.     

     But I suppose I should start from the beginning...

     My name is Rue Smith. I'm a 16 year old Sophomore.  I wouldn't describe myself as the prettiest girl. I dress in baggy clothing and my hair, originally a soft purple, is now a pink greasy mess. I'd describe myself as your everyday emo teenager. I don't have a special trait about me like the others. I'm just trying my best to get into college.

    Ruby Miller, or better known as Honey, is the kindest girl you could ever meet. We called her Honey because when she moved up a grade mid-way through Freshmen year, she tried to give everyone tiny honey bottle. She had brought 60. She only gave away 6, 3 of which went to teachers. So yeah, Honey Miller became her name. We called her that so often that when a teacher took attendance, she didn't notice her own name being called. She had to talk to the principle because they had marked her absent. You could never spend time with Honey and generally hate it. She was like a soft bunny that you never wanted to stop cuddling.

    Now, Rose Summer was something else. First off, you never just called her one name. Always Rose Summer. Rose wan't even her first name, it was her middle name. I never heard her first name, and we've been friends since we were 4. Even her parents, though they weren't around often, called her Rose Summer. Second off, she got around. Like a lot. And often. Third, almost every girl and teacher HATED her. Girls didn't want their boyfriends around her, and teachers thought she was an idiot. Rose Summer was no idiot. She was ridiculous pretty, had no morals, and was a bitch. But she was no idiot. 

    Oasis Jones was one of those friends you called by their last name. Now, Jones had to be the smartest girl in the entire school. No, state. Her mom was is a lawyer and her dad is a professor, so her parents put HIGH expectations on her. And slowly, the weight of that, broke her. She was constantly drunk or high. When she wasn't either, she was sad and miserable. She hide her smarts at all costs. We've been in the same class since kindergarten, but I never actually meet her until Freshmen year. Jones was actually the first one to take Honey's bottle, even though she didn't like honey. Before I had meet her, she always seemed like the stuck-up smart girl. She only talked when answering questions, so she had no friends. Kids made fun of her for being so smart, pulling her hair and calling her names. The longest conversation I had with Jones before we were friends was in 3rd grade. We had a small project over a 3 day break, but I had already planned a weekend with Rose Summer. So I walked up to Jones and before I said a word, she swung her head around, braids slightly slapping my face, and said, "Just give me your name and I'll do the project." So I ended up getting an A and a cool vacation to the Bahamas.

    Now, with introductions done, I can start explaining.


Word count: 568

EeP, this is my first time trying to write a full story. So who knows how far this will go. Thank for reading though! See you next chapter.

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