I'm Always Fine

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     For some reason, no one got in much trouble for the last fight. I think part of the problem was that almost everyone in that fight's parents sponsored the school in some way. But I have no way of knowing how it really went down, since I ran outside. Jones won't speak to me for some reason, probably because I didn't help her. Or maybe she isn't ignoring me and just doesn't feel like talking. I'm never sure with that girl, but then again I'm never sure with anyone.

     Monday the next week, Rose Summer returned. And when I say she was pissed, I mean she was foaming. She was mad that she hadn't been there to defend Honey, and she was madder at Felicity. 

     "It's really no big deal!" Honey tried to reason with Rose Summer.

      "No big deal? No big deal!" Rose Summer shouted during lunch. "No big deal didn't almost get Jones hospitalized!"

       "Bitch, I'm fine." Jones said calmly. She was wearing bonding tape and had her crouches leaned against the lunch table. "I'm always fine." Jones smiled up at Rose Summer.

       Rose Summer just scoffed and began to pace around out table. "When I see that bitch..." She mumbled threats under her breathe. And as if someone was testing her word, Felicity came right up to us.

       "Speak of the devil." I joked under my breathe. Honey somehow heard, and giggled softly at my stupid joke.

        "Oh look! The leader of Slut and co. is back." Felicity smiled crookedly at Rose Summer. 

        "Actually, I'm the leader but whatever." Jones piped in.

         Felicity scoffed, trying to come up with something snooty to say.  

         "Well-" Before Felicity could finish her sentence Rose Summer had punched her in the face. Felicity let out a scream, holding on to her nose. Rose Summer might of broken it. Heads turned toward our direction. But at this point I was use to the unwanted attention. Still, I blushed, covering my face in my greasy pink hair. 

         For some reason, after 2 other fights of nothing, a teacher finally came up and gave us ALL detention. Jones moaned really loudly, obviously pissed by this decision.  I couldn't tell if it was because her parents would kill her or that she would miss her photography meeting. Probably photography. Jones was actually really good with a camera. She had an eye for telling good lighting, reflection and other shit that you needed to take a good picture. The pictures she took for herself were incredible dark. Blood and knifes filled half her photos. She once stole a gun just to get a good photo. She doesn't use those photographs to show to teachers though. When she gets to freestyle art for photograph, she'll normally just take photos of the sky. Fluffy clouds and stained blood, that was her style. 

         We all sat in the hallway waiting for the principal and our parents to talk to us. There was only 3 other kids besides us. Jones seemed to know this one of the girls, as they shared secretly vaped. Are teachers weren't the most attentive. They had either been here for too long and gave up or they were busy with other bad kids. I sat next to Rose Summer, who was giving Felicity a deathly stare. Honey chose to stand, as she fidgeted nervously. Honey was a good girl, she NEVER got in trouble with teachers. She was the kid the teachers told you to act more like. I on the other hand, have sat in "detention hallway" waiting for my doom since 5th grade. Hanging with Rose Summer took you places, most of those places weren't so good. Finally, the principle called us all in.

       Jones, Felicity, and Rose Summer sat down in the chairs. Honey stood beside Jones and I stood up against a wall next to Rose Summer. Honey was shaking and playing with her hoodie strings. Even like this, she was gorgeous. Surprisingly, the teacher didn't call our parents about this. Instead, the guidance counselor did most of the talking. We sat there for an hour talking about friendship and how our hormones' or some shit were making us act up and get aggressive. I could see that she was clearly trying to dance around the topic of Jones almost getting killed on school grounds. If I were Jones, I would of sued every last cheerleader and the whole school for putting my life in danger. I didn't have that kind of money for a good lawyer though.

       I left the school with 3 pamphlets about controlling your anger and 3 weeks of detention. We all filed into Jones's car slowly. Rose Summer was given special permission to drive her car, since Jones was too weak. Jones stood there with her hand on the door handle. She stopped and walked away.

      "JONES! What are you doing?" Rose Summer called out for her. Jones kept walking. We all started to call out for her. 

     Jones stood next to a pink Mercedes.  Felicity's car. Jones grabbed her backpack from her shoulders. She took out an empty glass bottle. Jones then proceeded to break the front window. An annoying voice called out in the distance. Jones darted, or at least tried to, to the car. Rose Summer hit the pedals and drove off as fast as she could. We all sat there, laughing our asses off, as Felicity yelled slurs at us.


Word count: 908

The ending was a little rushed, so sorry bout that bUt hey it's another chapter. In other news, the story is about to get A LOT more interesting. Things are about to pick up and the real story can began. I'm super excited about it!! Have a good day and hope you enjoyed :D

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