Every Part Of Her

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     I'm not exactly sure where to start. There wasn't a lot of build up to... you know. I guess I should go back 2 months. If that's enough time to explain. 

     It was January. The month where school is still new enough for you to want to exceed but right before where you give up. Jones always drove us to school. She was the only one with a car... who could drive. Rose Summer had one, but she lost her license after getting a DUI. So, everyday Jones would pick up all 3 of us. Honey sat in the front with Jones, and Rose Summer and I in the back. It was just kind of an unspoken thing. Honey never sat in the back, nor did Rose Summer or me sit in the front. Maybe because Jones liked Honey, or Jones was scared we'd mess something up if Rose Summer or I sat up there. We were pretty reckless. Reckless enough to break Jones window 5 separate times. We had to walk to school for a week each time we broke one. Rose Summer always wore heels, so it slowed her down. I also always had to walk with her in case something happened. So, we tried to keep our great skill of breaking things to minimum.

     When we actually got to school, we made a habit of making our selves known. By we, I mean Rose Summer and Jones. Rose Summer was just a natural magnet of attention, good and bad. Sometimes, I envied that. The ability to walk in a room, and turn every head. Her ginger hair flowing in the wind as she walked with her head up. She flaunted every thing she had, as if it were a gift from the world she simple must show everyone. And to be honest, it was. Jones on the other hand, was wild enough for every one to see. People looked in amazement as she twirled around the school yard, blowing kisses at anyone who dared to stare for too long. She was in her "performer" mood, as we called it. 

     Jones was the unclear ringleader of our friend group. Rose Summer would disagree that it was me, but I was more of the secretary. If Jones was in her "crash" mood, Rose Summer took over as co-leader. Honey was like the baby that we had to protect at all costs. Honey didn't do much for the group, besides bringing extra lunch in case someone forgot theirs. We just generally enjoyed her company, always wanting to be close to her.  

     The actual classes during school didn't affect our lives much. It was just a boring drag that we had to get through. Jones and I, keeping our tradition since kindergarten, were in every class together. Jones sat near me in homeroom, but she sat in the front during all of our other classes. Honey and Rose Summer shared homeroom and 3 other classes together. Rose Summer was in my Geometry and Science. Honey shared English class with me, maybe that's why I liked it so much. 

     Honey sat next to me in English, so I always felt a need to impress her. It wasn't really needed though, because Honey was impressed with every thing we did, down to how we spell color. Honey had moved from the UK to America when she was 4. She even had a soft accent that popped in now and then, and wrote words slightly different then everyone else. I constantly had to remind her how to spell certain words, I didn't mind though. Sometimes, she would lean her head down far enough so that her soft chestnut hair fell down over her head, hiding her face from the world. It was adorable. 

     Honey didn't like English as much as I did, but she admired me for being so smart. No one ever really described me as smart, but Honey did. Honey thought everyone was special, even if it was just for being able to do small things. Like how Rose Summer knows how to tell if someone is a virgin or not. Which causes for embarrassing moments if people over-hear us. And some pretty ugly fights. Honey thinks that Rose Summer is perfect, in more than just her looks. That was what I liked about Honey so much. Every part of her soul, loved every part of everyone else's. 


Word Count: 736

EeP this one rambled a little, but here we are. I normally don't even get to chapter 2 so, this is something. Hope you enjoyed!

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