Who's The Bitch Now

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      The school day ended on a boring note, I practically ran out of the building. I didn't notice Jones as I ran straight into her chest.

      "WHAT THE FUCK!" She screamed, wincing over in pain. "Ugh, Rue..." She looked down at me, Jones didn't yell at me. Jones was like a big sister to me, she never raised her voice at me and always acted as if I was some fragile flower. I didn't mind though, I liked the special treatment. Jones hit my head softly, "Come on, Rose Summer is waiting outside." Honey had a baking club meeting, they were planning a bake sell for the Valentines Dance next month.

      Jones and I walked side by side to the exit. I never really payed much attention to Jones, it never occurred to me how beautiful she really was. She didn't stand out like Rose Summer, I don't think anyone was as pretty as Rose Summer though. Jones had a tall muscular build, even though she had skipped gym as if her life depended on it. Jones wore her hair in an Afro, which fell softly on her dark skin. She walked in a slouched manner, mind obviously not with them. Jones way only this way around me, completely expressionless. Maybe because we knew each other since forever that Jones had no reason to try and impress me. She was gorgeous. And god was I short compared to her.

    "Hello, your majesty." Jones greeted Rose Summer, who only laughed in response. Jones took a sip from a bottle, which, knowing Jones, was not water. She offered some to Rose Summer, who took it happily. For a while, we just sat there passing around a bottle of some liquid that made me nauseous. I didn't like alcohol, but Jones and Rose Summer did. I couldn't help but drink the substance that we were much too young for when Rose Summer held it out to me. So we sat there, drinking on school property. Rose Summer took a deep inhale from her vape, before breathing out and dropping the small object.

     "YOU BITCH!" some girl shouted as she stormed over to Rose Summer. Rose Summer took her time picking up her vape before sitting back on the bleachers we were on. She crossed her legs, batted her eyes and responded with a simply, "yes~?" The girl, who was around my height with long pink hair, slapped the vape right out of Rose Summer's hand. Rose Summer, now pissed, got up from her seat. Rose Summer looked down at the girl, looking at her with the deadliest stare I've only seen her give her ex, "Got a problem?" she replied with such venom in her voice I nearly fell off my seat. 

      The smaller girl, who I soon realized was a cheerleader named Lindsey Mill, stared back up at her with fear before returning to her previous angry.  "Yeah I got a problem, you fucked my boyfriend, you fucking hoe!" Lindsey screamed. I noticed a small crowd gather, phones drawn and whispers emerging. "Who?" Rose Summer responded nonchalantly. This only seemed to make Lindsey madder, "You know who." Lindsey said, eyes full of angry. 

     "No, I don't. And instead of taken your pathetic jealousy problems to me, why not talk to your fucking boyfriend? Not my problem if your boyfriend isn't loyal. I had nothing to do with it and I'd appreciate if you stop spitting in my fucking face." Rose Summer pushed the girl off of her, causing Lindsey to fume. The crowd was huge by now. I looked over at Jones, who had amusement dancing in her eyes. A smirk creeping up on Jones's lips, as she fell back waiting to see how this played out. That was Jones for you, amused at everyone's pain. I, on the other hand, was worried for Rose Summer. And worst of all, I didn't believe her. I didn't believe that Rose Summer hadn't fucked the poor girl's man.  Deep down, I knew Rose Summer was a slut. Deep down, I knew she could have done it and she could be lying. I wanted to look away, but my eyes were stuck on them.

     Lindsey, done with Rose Summer's attitude, pulled her hair, pulling a few ginger strands from the roots. Rose Summer grabbed her own head, then left hooked Lindsey in the face. Lindsey stumbled to the left holding her face from pain, before jumping onto Rose Summer. Lindsey began to punch Rose Summer in the face yelling degrading names: slut, hoe, and bitch were screamed into Rose Summer's face. Part of the crowd actually began cheering. Rose Summer kicked Lindsey in the groin to get her off of her. I winced, not wanting to watch this violent action. Jones, showing no feeling of worry, cheered Rose Summer on. Rose Summer drew first blood, hitting Lindsey in nose. Lindsey panicked at the sight of blood, and fell backwards. 

     "Who's the bitch now?" Summer Rose stood over Lindsey slightly kicking her. 

     "Still you." A voice called from behind, as Summer Rose was hit on the back of the head with several books. I gasped, 3 other girls seemed to have joined the fight. Rose Summer tried to fight them all off but it was 4 against 1. 4 cheerleaders against the number one slut in the school. I felt like I should help her, but the crowd intimidated me. So, I looked at Jones and pleaded with my eyes. Jones stared back, clearly unaffected by my pleas. After Rose Summer took a 3rd hit to the head, Jones sighed and stood up.

     "For my queen!" She shouted as she ran down and pulled the girls of Rose Summer. "Run." Jones said with venom spewing from her voice. The cheerleaders walked back slowly, before going into a full sprint. Jones laughed as she picked up Rose Summer and started towards her car. By the time we got there, Honey came running out of the school.

     "What happened?!" Honey said looking at Rose Summer sadly. Rose Summer mustered a pained laugh. She had blood dripping from her nose and a black eye starting to form. Even like this, she was still pretty. 

     "Nothing. What happened with you?" Rose Summer looked up at Honey, as she was being held up by Jones. Honey looked concerned, but got in the car regardless. Jones decided we should all go to her house so we could calm down. Honey suggested we get a movie, and we were off.


Word Count: 1085

God, that was a long chapter. You find out more about Jones and there's a fight scene, so fun. Anyway, hoped you enjoyed!

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