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        I stared at the leak in the corner of my room. I laid still on my bed, rethinking the day. Nothing important happened, just another dragged on school day. 


        I closed my eyes.


        I tried to concentrate on the sound of the water hitting the bucket on my floor. It wasn't enough to cover the sound of my mom yelling at my dad through the phone. I winced at the thought of having to see him Sunday. My phone buzzed.

Tall fuck: Y'all wanna go to a party tonight?

       I assumed she was referring to Daniel's party. Daniel was famous for the parties he threw. To tell the truth, I'd never been to a high school party. Or any party, besides several of Rose Summer's birthday parties. I didn't really have any interest in going. Spending my Friday surrounded by a bunch of drunk kids I probably hate isn't my idle night.

Honey: Sure!

     But I guess parties aren't too bad.

Me: Sure, got nothing better to do

Horny Slut: Ofc!!!!! I have to find an outfit. What's the theme???

Tall Fuck: Wtf you mean "theme"

Horny Slut: You invite us to a party and don't even know the THEME?!

     Jones and Rose Summer continued to fight. Honey tried to stop them, but I was quite interested in seeing them argue.

~Time Skip~

     I stood in front of Rose Summer's house, we had decided we were going to walk to the party together. Her house wasn't as big as Jones's, but it was still bigger than most. It was a dusty red, with lots of big windows. Peeping through the windows, you can see the elegant furniture that was inside it. Big couches with a fire place and pictures of Rose Summer and her 4 other siblings. A piano sat in one corner, yearning to be played. Rose Summer's older sister, Amy, had wanted to be a pianist for one summer. Since then, it sat quietly in the corner. 

    However, the garden was my favorite part. Rose Summer's oldest brother, Aiden, truly had a green thumb. Vegetables grew in nicely and trees were ripe with fruit. Behind the shed, was a gorgeous area of just flowers. All different colors with the sweetest smells. Aiden spent 2 years getting all the flowers just right. Why? Because his boyfriend loved flowers. I was into cheesy romance shit, but the idea of someone spending 2 years making you a field of flowers makes my stomach flutter. 

    As I stood there marveling at the house, Rose Summer walked out. She wore a short pastel red dress, the fabric sitting beautifully on her tan skin. Her hair sat freely on her shoulders and her make-up was done beautifully. She honestly looked like she was going to a ball. It made me feel underdressed about the tee-shirt and ripped jeans I had decided to wear. Apparently, Rose Summer felt the same.

    "Is that what you're wearing?!" Rose Summer eyed my outfit. Before I could respond, she grabbed my arm and pulled me inside. "Honestly, love, you need to learn to dress for the occasion! Do you even own a dress?" Rose Summer quickly pulled me up the stairs into her room.

    I sat on her bed as she rummaged through her closet. Rose Summer's room was nothing like Jones. The walls were light shade of pink, covered with pictures. One section of her room was entirely dedicated to make-up. She had a 3 level shelve on her vanity for just lipsticks. It always surprised me how much shades of pink and red existed. Rose Summer once explained to me how she needed to fit the part of a "Rose". In truth, "Rose Summer" was a way to make her stand out from her sibling. Rose Summer wanted to stand out, she wanted to be noticed. I was an only child, but I'd assume being a middle child of 5 would make you easily forgotten. 

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