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something that I always Believed in,
Even As a kid. But for it to get ignored by people around me. So They paid the price.

NOW , Looking At The scene Infront of Me, with Tears Running Down My cheeks, All I can Think is 'I Told you, didn't I?'

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Year 842:
Wall Rose,Trost District

Third pov:

THE Sound of children playing near The cannel can be heard from a Hill Not so far from there.

On the hill, under the shadow of a lonely tree, There's a girl sitting, drawing shapes on dirt with a stick. Her short bowl cut brown hair, covering her face while she's leaning down to focus on her drawing.

Her clothes are dirty because of sitting on the ground. She's gonna hear earful from her mom.

As she was drawing, she heard yelling and laughing down the hill. She looked over and saw a Not so surprising scene. A group of older Boys ganging up on a kid her own age.

She sighed and went back to her drawing but was interrupted as she saw they began hitting the the poor guy.
If there was anything that she hated the most, was Bullying.

She stood up and ran down the hill at full speed. She didn't bothered slowing down as she came near them, instead she tackled The leader and went down with him.

“ow! What the was that girlie??” the boy under her grumbled as he held his head. The rest of his group gathered around the two, with the beaten up looking surprised.

“ I think you know well what am I doing! ” the Brunette shouted at the boy as she gripped his collar and pulled him closer to herself . “ Stopping you once again you jerk!”

The bully gritted his teeth and pushed the girl away, Infront of the beaten up boy. “HAH! As if you succeed in doing it.” slowly standing up he continued “ you sure have guts to come near me”
The girl glared at him with her hair shadowing her face.

“ why shouldn't I? You're not even that scary” she spat with a smirk. The boy behind her looking at her with widen eyes, grabbed her hand “o_oi , what are you doing ??” he exclaimed as he tried to pull her back.

She turned around to face the boy “ I'm Saving you. what's it look like?”she whispered to him.

“Ho ho! Looks like Jean boy has his girlfriend save him!” she rolled her eyes as she face the bully who was laughing with his friends.

“So? At least he has one but what about you? None of the girls look in your way, piggy”
She stated with a non chalant look. The boy, jean, looks at her with blushing cheeks.

The bully froze but snapped out of it and started getting red with embarrassment. “ Y_You Little shi_ I come back For you girlie !” he yelled as he turned away, stomping his feet with his group following.

The girl Smiled and stood up, straighting her now dirtier clothes. Turning around she faced the now standing 'jean boy' .

“are you Alright? They didn't hurt you that bad,did they?”
She asked him with a soft tone. Complete opposite of her tone few seconds ago.

Jean Looked at her still red faced. “ y_yeah . I'm okay. It's not like it's my first time” he exclaimed while rubbing his neck with embarrassment.

She smiled sadly at him“ then why don't you fight back?” she tilted her neck ,still looking at him. “ it's no use. They come back again...” he mumbled and looked at his feet.

“Then I fight them for you!” the girl said  with a huge grin on her face. Jean's mouth hanged open at her.“w_what?! Why would you do that? Are you insane?” he shouted as he shook her front and back.

“No? That's what friends do right?” the girl stopped him and kept on grinning at him. Jean sighed and let go of her “ yeah...friends do that.” he smiled at her.

Then she hold out her hand “Ja... I'm Y/N" jean took her hand and shakes it “ jean ” he once again smiled at her.

Y/N smirked at him “can I call you jean boy?” she asked with fake innocent.
“No” that was jean's monotone answer.


A/N: so, what do you guys think?

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