Chapter 13

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The sound of something getting fired , deep in the forest , was heard all the way from where cadets were on watch.

Y/n frowns and looks toward the forest before looking down at the titans that were attempting to climb the tree.

' what the hell is going on? Connons? '

“ we're going to shift positions ,armin , Y/n !” jean orders us as a titan is getting dangerously close to us.
Getting onto an upper branch , we watch as it was trying to climb.

“ they've started to figure it out. They seem to get better and better at climbing.” jean exclaims as he too was looking down at it.

“ it's so unnerving. ” I speak out with a scowl on my face.
“ that means , scary as it sounds , they can learn.” armin says from behind.
“although, some are better than others , I'm sure.”
I turn around and look at him while grimacing , making him smile nervously.

“ you guys , sounds like something is going on deeper in the forest ; I think I have some idea what.”
jean speaks up As he turns his head toward us.
“ they lured that female titan all the way here in order to capture it.”

My eyes widen at the realization.

“more precisely , to capture whoever is inside of it.”

“ t_then , why they didn't they tell us ? We could've done something!” I stutter out of shock.
Jean looks at me and nods.“ my point exactly. I think commander Erwin doesn't trust us.”

“ but why? ”

“ there must be a spy among us that help them.”

Y/n didn't know how she felt about this information. If it turn out to be correct , it means, someone who she spent the last three years with , is a spy?
She didn't wanted to but she felt betrayed .

“ you think so too , right armin?” jean asks him while sweating nervously.
“ yeah I think so. ” armin nods.

Then all three of them stared down at the titan , with y/n in the middle , deep in their own thoughts.
Finally the titan reached its limit and fell down on his butt, making Y/n snort lightly.

' you pathetic piece of shit. '

“ do you think the commander was wrong?”
Armin asked making me snap back to reality.
“ I can't say he was right. If we'd known there was a titan informed of our operations, we'd dealt with this in a different way.”

I open my mouth to comment but armin beats me to it.
“ no , it wasn't wrong.” he says with a frown on his face.

' never saw him look so serious....'

“ what wasn't wrong?! How many do you think died for no reason?” jean protests

“ jean , after the face , it's easy to say , ' we should've done something else.'
however ,No one knows how things will turn out.
And even so , you have to make a choice! You must.” armin exclaims making both me and jean sweat drop nervously.

“the lives of a hundred fellow soldiers or the lives of all the humans within the walls.... The commander made his choice. He chose to let those hundred die.” he says .

“ so , whatever we choose , it always end up with death ? You gotta be kidding me.” I grit my teeth as my shoulders begin to shake from frustration.

“ I haven't lived that long , but I'm certain of one thing.” armin continues.
“ if there's anyone who can bring change , it will be someone willing to sacrifice what they care for.”

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