Chapter 26

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A/n : hello luvs , thank you for reading this story and really sorry for keeping you waiting. I didn't wanna ruin this story and write some bs u know ?
We're finally at the end of season 3!!


Recommend song : cherry _ lana del rey

The ceremony was about to take place when y/n with the help of sasha made her way there.
She was in no condition to attend but she had enough of being prisoned in the room .
Both her and sasha sported a bandaged head ; Y/n's condition much worser than the latter.
It was literally few hours ago that she went through shock .
Eyes barely open , walking as slow as a snail , she was leaning against sasha as they entered the hall .

As they were searching for their group , murmurs and whispers followed them , most of them mentioning the certain girl.

“ Oh! There they are . ” sasha exclaimes as she tugs on y/n's sleeve pulling her toweard the group.

But it seemed they didn't take notice of the girls as they were in middle of arguing with each other, mostly floch talking.

“_ what are we gonna do without commander erwin now??
Even a sacrifice meat like me...i know I'm useless ....even a sacrifice meat like me....
has the right to decide if it's worth it or not...”

Silence took over the group after that before armin spoke up from behind the group with a sorrowful look on his face.

“ floch's right.... commander erwin should've been alive... I'm not the one that can change the situation.”


“ how are you so sure ? ”

Several heads turn toward the voice and gasp as they saw y/n pulling away from sasha and slowly walking toward armin.

“ huh? Y/n_ ” jean was about to scold her for not resting but was cut off as she continued.

“ i can't raally say if it was a right choice or not ... None of us know what's gonna happen in the future. ”

She now stands infront of armin who yet has to lookup at her. She put a hand on his shoulder .

“ for starters, tell me , have you seen the other side of the walls? What is beyond the walls? ”

This caught his attention as he look up at her with a glint in his eyes.

“ The sea...”

“ yeah the sea... there's a lot of possibilities that we don't know about ! So you just gonna give it all up ? Give up on your dream? ”

“ i guess not _”

Armin jumped as y/n suddenly speaks up .

“ hell no you're not ! We didn't shed all these blood and tears just to give up now. Our comrades didn't die for nothing... Commander erwin didn't die for nothing.... don't let it happen.”

By the end of her speech , she was hunched down , nearly hitting her forehead to armin's shoulder.
Her head was throbbing hard as if it gonna explode .

Gritting her teeth , she grabbed her head with both hands as she was pulled back to a warm embrace, nose filled with a familiar scent.

“ dammit y/n , you should be resting now . ”

Jean's voice reached her ears before she could see him.

“ well , i was just fine before i heard floch's annoying voice. ”

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