Chapter 6

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' it was way too good to be true.'

Day after day the 104th unit got closer to their graduation.
Finally after nearly three years of training non stop in the rain , snow , ... The day has come.


“ YES, SIR!”

“For you trainees graduating today , three path now open before you; ” an officer explains loudly , standing Infront of us on top of stairs , with other officers and instructor shadis behind him.

“ you can be stationed at the walls and defend the cities as members of the garrison.
You can put your lives on the line , to fight the titans in their own territory as members of survey corps.
Or you can serve the king by controlling the crowds and protecting order as members of the military police brigade!”

He continues.“ of course , only ten people with top scores we announced earlier are allowed into the military police!”
'Guess what? I fucking made it.' I smirk to myself as the officer pointed out to us.

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After the graduation , they threw a feast for their last night in the training unit. Everyone was happy that they no longer need to get yelled at or eat the crappy food .

I was sitting across from jean , enjoying the best meal I ever had in the past three years and also , looking out for Sasha who would likely steal my food.
Jean , as usual was fuming about another stupid thing while glaring daggers at eren.

“ you're gonna get wrinkles if you keep frowning , jean boy.” I speak with food in my mouth.
Jean looks at me and grimaces.“ geez Y/n , you're a pig. ” I frown and gulp down the food. “ oh that hurt.” I roll my eyes.
“at least I'm enjoying something rather than sulking at the corner.”
Jean'eye twitches and grabs his cup, chugging it. I smirk and lean against the  table . “so , what got your pants in a twist ?”

Jean frowns and leans against his hand. “ I got ranked under Eren...” he mumbles.
I blink a few times before laughing at loud , causing some heads turn to our direction.
“ Don't laugh y/n ! I'm serious!” he snaps at me. I hold my stomach and fan my face with my other hand.
“oh jean , I just can't_ hahahaha. ”
I finally calm down and smile at him.
“you know , it doesn't matter what's your score , you gotta be grateful that you got into top ten jean! Everyone would die to be in your place now.” I then hit his arm gently.

Jean looks at me and smiles softly. “ yeah? ” I nod enthusiastically. “ yeah! ”

With an ego boost I gave him , he sits up straight and puffs out his chest.“ of course they want to be at my place , I'm the best.”
' yeah , that's the jean I know.' I chuckle and roll my eyes.
“ I mean , you don't see me complaining.” I say . “ I got ranked 8th ; right after Sasha and Connie. ” I pout. Jean smirks and flicks my forehead.“ it's okay , no one can be as good as me.”

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