Chapter 2

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'Just like the seed, I'm chasing the wonder.'

Year 847
Wall rose , Trost District

First pov:

“Oh Honey , you know you don't have to go. There's always another option like_ ” I interrupt my mother who was standing at the door of my room, looking rather worried. “Like what? Become a seamstress ? Mom, you and I both know I can't sew to save my life.” I smile sheepishly at her before finish my packing.

‘Today's The day Me and Jean are going to enroll in training corps . And after that , Hopefully ,  joining The military police .
After The fall of shiganshina, jean came up with this idea of having a peaceful life and eventually It became a goal of him and I actually agreed to it.’

Mom sighs and walks in, standing Infront of me. “ you know we always wanted the best for you and I know I can't stop you from doing this. ” she smiles at me and ruffles my hair.
I smack her hand softly and glares playfully at her. “ but I want you to promise me to write for me from time to time ,Ok? ” she finishes and looks expectedly at me. I chuckle and nod my head.“ geez , I thought you wanted me to do something difficult . of course I'll write you.”
As I finished my packing, we heard sound of the door opening. “ oh Looks like he's back.” my mom grins at me. I grin back and run out of room just to see my dad , hanging his coat on the hanger.
Upon noticing my presence, his eyes twinkles and smiles widely at me “ Ah Y/n ! My Cute Little trouble maker! ” he exclaims as he meets me half way , embracing me in a warm Hug . I giggle and wrap my arms around his head before letting go.

I smile up at him “ how was work? ” I ask as my my mom greets him. “eh just the usual . Planting , watering. Oh by the way ” he says as he pulls out a single daisy flower out of his coat's pocket . “ found this in middle of the roses. You liked daisies right?” he smiles and gives me the flower. I smile back and blush slightly. Grabbing the flower , I gently stroke it's petals.
“ yeah.... they're pretty. Thanks dad.” he shakes his head. “ it's nothing. Wanted to give it to you before you leave. ” he sighs dramatically and wipes imaginary tears away.“ my little girl is gonna be away from home” he clutches my shoulders as he sobs.
Me and my mom sweat drop at his antics . “ oh come on you big baby ! Let her go. You should be happy for her. ” my mom scolds him as she pries him away from me. “ I am! But I don't want her to leave.” he sniffles.
I give both of them a crooked smile. “ I don't wanna go either, but I gotta do this; it's my future you guys.... ” I trail off.
Both my parents blinks at me a few times before tearing up. “ Oh Y/n! When did you become so mature??” they both cries out as they pull me into a group hug.
I , too started tearing up and hugs them back. “ yeah I miss you guys too” I smile softly while closing my eyes, enjoying this peacefull moment.

“you sure you packed everything ? ” my mom checks for the 100th time

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“you sure you packed everything ? ” my mom checks for the 100th time . I sigh and nod. “ YES , mom  I did.” I put my hair in a low ponytail. My hair grew out a bit since the last time I cut it. It now is at mid back length.

I look at myself in the mirror. Nod in approval of my outfit. A simple white shirt with a dark grey vest over it , matching with my pants and finally , black shoes. I pick my brown bag and sling it on my shoulder.

I walk to the door and see my parents standing Infront of it. I smile sadly at them. “ So , I guess I'm going now. ” I rub my neck. They once again pull me to a hug , kissing both of my cheeks as a goodbye. “ stay safe, Y/n . Ok? ” my mom says as she carass my cheek.
I nod , not trusting my voice . “ see you later kiddo. ” my dad smiles and pats my shoulder. I hold back my tears and nod again .“ y_yeah , see you guys soon.”
I shot them one last smile and walk out the door.
It didn't take me more than Ten steps before having this urge to turn around. But I know if I look back now, I wouldn't leave. So, I keep on walking toward jean's house as tears start falling down, staining my cheeks.


It didn't take me long to reach Jean's house. I now stand Infront of their house, with puffy eyes , wiping away the tears, before knocking at the door .

before my fist touch the door , the door fly opens and I come face to face with an Annoyed , red faced jean. “ No Mom ! I told you I don't_ ” upon seeing me, he stops in his track and stops shouting at his mom , who's now standing behind him , looking at me.
“ Uh....Hi Mrs Kirestein. ” I wave my hand awkwardly and chuckle nervously.

She smiles at me and pushes jean away , who let outs a Yelp as he hits the doorframe.
“oh hello dear! it's been a while since I saw you.” she greets me and pulls away from the hug. I smile , before I can utter a word she continues. “ oh! You've grown taller ! You're nearly the same height as jean boy .” I laugh nervously and rub my arm.

“ y_yeah . Sorry I couldn't give you a visit .” she waves her hand around. “ don't worry about it dear. It's alright_” before she can finishes her sentence , jean butts in , grumbling.

“ yeah yeah it's all good. We don't have time to stand here talking. Bye mom. ” he says as he puts his hand on my back, pushing me away , with him following me.

“ well hello to you too jean boy.” I glare at him. “ oh shush” he whispers and rolls his eyes. I turn around and wave at Mrs Kirestein , only to see Mr Kirestein , joined her side.
“ Bye Mrs Kirestein! Don't worry I look after him .” I smile at her.

Jean's eye twitches and grabs my arm pulling me away, growling. She waves back at me as Mr Kirestein sends a small smile at me.

I turn around and push jean away , rubbing my arm . “ grab harder will ya?” I snap at him .He scoffs and keeps looking ahead .
I roll my eyes at him as we keep walking down the street.
After a few minutes of silence, I break it.
“ what was it about again? ” he gives me a glance before looking back at front . “ the usual , she babying me . ” he mumbles.

I raise an eyebrow , not believing him.
“aaannnnd? ” he sighs and cross his arms. “she interrupted my drawing.” he pouts.
I look blankly at him before slapping his head . “Ow ! What the hell Y/N ?? ” he seethes and rubs where I hit him.
“ you idiot. That's not a reason to be angry at her! I swear to God I sometimes feel like you're five years old , jean” I sigh . He didn't say anything in return.

Deciding to change the subject I smirk at him.“ since when we're matching ?” he looks at me confused , before noticing my outfit. “ well, great minds think a like , right?” he smirks back and puffs out his chest. I shake my head at him, smiling.

Daisy ;
Symbolizes purity and innocence,
Also refers to beauty, love, and new beginnings.

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