Chapter 12

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The sound of jean whistling for his horse , echoed through the field , making y/n's Ears Ringing.

Reiner was bondaging armin's head who got hit through the female titan's attack.
Y/n was sitting next to armin , with her legs tucked into her chest , looking at jean who was standing on a rock , beside reiner and y/n's horses.

“ oi y/n , you didn't get hurt did you?” reiner's question turn my attention to him.
“ No , I didn't even get to get close to it.”

Reiner nods and smirks .“ good , we don't want that pretty face of yours all messed up.”
My eyes twitch as I Glare at him, trying not to blush.
“ reiner I swear to God ,one day imma kick you to the other side of the walls.”

“ I don't know what are you_”

“ you know damn well what're you doing.”

“ hey I'm just_”

“ guys, please. It's not the time for this.” armin stops us with his ever so gentle voice.
I sigh and nod, after I gave Reiner one last glare.

Y/n and reiner's relationship was not something usual as you could say;
At first when they met , they were pretty cool but when y/n was targeted by reiner's awful flirting, she lost interest in him.
After that they would always argue over something , in which it was always reiner's fault.

Reiner continued on wrapping armin's head with bandage. as he did , he asked the obvious question of their situation.

“But what do we do now? We only got two horses. If jean's horse comes back, all four of us could move, but now...”

'tch , why we got into this situation?'

I glance at armin as Reiner finished with his work. I frown and leans closer to armin as I noticed he's spacing out.

“ armin? You okay? ” I grab his shoulder but he doesn't even flinch.
“armin , oy Armin! ” finally reiner's voice snapped him out of wherever he was.

“ so you're still dizzy?”

“ yeah , I'm still spacing out..” he says as he mess around with his gear.

“I see , either way , we need to decide soon.” Reiner says while standing up.
“ it's a tough choice , but one of us have to stay behind.”

Armin and y/n stare up at reiner while jean stopped whistling and looks at him in disbelief.

“ wait ! Let's shoot up a flare first! ” armin says as he stands up , helping me to stand up .
“ if the information moved straight ahead , the third troop in the fourth row should be nearby.”

' ah what would we do without you armin?'

Jean decided to shoot the purple flare.
“ that's the smoke signal for the emergency. Though , I doubt anyone could figure out our situation just from that.”
He says as he walks away.

“ well , it's worth a shot , Mr ' we all gonna die'. ” I roll my eyes at him.

“ what did you say?”

“ you heard me_”

“armin , we'll wait three more minutes.” Reiner ignored their petty fighting as he talked to armin.

“ in the meantime, we have to decide who stays behind_”

“ I'll stay !”

Both me and jean stop arguing as we heard armin.

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