Chapter 4

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'it's gonna get harder from here.'

First pov:

The dining hall was crowded with cadets, getting acquainted with each other , makes it seems like a school rather than a cadet unit.
Me and jean sat on a table , along with some stranger.

I bring a spoonful of what resembles soup to my mouth . grimacing at it's taste , I push the dish away and eat the bread instead. " it tastes like anything except soup." I say to jean , who's sitting across of me.

Jean looks up from his soup and nods in agreement. " yeah, I don't even like soup to begin with." he grumbles and puts his cheek on his hand , leaning sideways.

I sigh in annoyance. " I already miss my mom's cooking...." I pout slightly. " don't you ,Jean?" I look at him, only to get ignored.
"jean? Jean~? Don't ignore me you jerk!" I call out to him before snapping my fingers in front of him.

"wha_ what ? " he says irritated . " you were ignoring me." I answer frankly.
He rolls his eyes at me." Am not ! I was listening to that guy over there." he points out to the table a few meters away , with a lot of people gathered around it.

I then saw a boy with bright green eyes, that was talking about titans , so determined to kill them all . 'he's one of those crazy ones then.' I sigh. I turn to jean. "so? Yeah he's crazy , but it's none of our business." I shrug before biting into my bread.

Jean frowns and keeps looking at that guy. "he's just the type of person that I can't tolerate. getting yourself killed for what? Something that you might never find out? " he clicks his tongue.

I sigh and take a sip from my water. "uh ha , whatever. Like I care. It's his life , let him do whatever he wants." I told jean before stretching my arms.

It seemed like Jean didn't hear a word I said and instead of just letting it go , he started a fucking argument.

" oi dude, are you nuts ? " he interrupts the guy. " did you just say you want to join the survey corps?" he says in a mocking way.
"jean what the hell..? " I mumble and face palm. " yeah, that's right." the green eyed boy says while glaring at jean. " and you were the one who said you wanted to join the military police and live an easy life." he continues.

Jean smiles smugly, still with his cheek on his hand." I'm an honest man. It's better than acting All tough when you're scared shit less." I glare at him and lean toward him." jean , cut it out ." I whisper at him in a warning tone.

Jean glanced at me from corner of his eyes before looking back at the boy again. At the same time, the boy looked over at me with an undescribable emotion in his eyes. I bet he was judging me. Then he stood up , looking down at eren.

"Are you talking about me? " his glare harshly at jean. Jean smirk and stands up Before I could stop him. I groan and look at them. ' you idiot.'
"oh? Sorry if I offended you." jean says sarcastically.

But before anything can happen, the bell rang , making me sigh in relief . The boys stood there with a dead pan look on their face.

" Hey, my bad." jean decides to give a shitty apology.
" I wasn't trying to judge how you think." he raise his hand toward him. " let's forget about this."
The boy looks at his hand before sighs." yeah , same. I'm sorry too." he slaps his hand at jean's and walks away.
Jean stands there, smirking at the boy's retreating form.

I stand up and pick up my tray and his , put them on their place to get cleaned later. I turn around to go back to jean but bumped into someone.

I look up and saw a big blonde guy looking down at me. "uuh..sorry. I didn't see you there." I blush, embarrassed . he chuckles." it's okay , I should've moved away." he smiles at me." I'm reiner by the way. " he points to himself.

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