Chapter 7

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“Just like in the training , split up into your individual squads. You will be under garrison command.
Your duties are to assist in providing supplies , communication and sweeping up the titans!
The first line of defense will be the Frontline unit of garrison!
The second line will be the cadets from the training unit. And then there's rearguard.”

The crazy eyes commander yells out to us.
I didn't caught his name cause I was stressing enough about the situation that his name wasn't important.

“we've already received word that the vanguard has been annihilated!
The outer gate is destroyed and titans have encroached upon the city!
This means that armored Titan might show up any moment to breach the inner gate!”

With that , the cadets burst into hushed whispers of worry.
I gulp and let out a shaky breath. ' it will be like 5 years ago all over again.'

“Silence! ” his voice snapped me out of my thoughts.
“ the Frontline guards are already fighting. There is but one goal in this defensive operation: defend wall rose until every civilian has evacuated! ”
I frown and look over at jean to my right. He's just as stressed as I am. If possible , more than me.
“ Also, in case you forgot , let me remind you that desertion is a capital offense!
Vow on your hearts and devote your lives! Dismissed!”

And so they did. In less than a minute , everyone evacuated the headquarters to go to their squads except with a few cadet from 104th unit.

“why does it have to be today?” I turn my attention to jean, who was leaning forward with his hand over his face. “ I'm supposed to go to the interior tomorrow!”
I look put my hand on his shoulder and give it a little squeeze. As I was about to talk , we heard someone vomiting on the ground. ' gross...' I grimace and pull my hand to my side as jean straighten up , also looking at the poor guy.

Not knowing what to do, jean decided to go to his squad rather than staying there.
He stormed off , leaving y/n dumbfounded.

I follow him shortly after , only to see he's once again , grabbed Eren by collar and is shouting at his face.
“_ you wanted to join the survey corps. You were prepared to feed yourself to the titans already! But I was going to the interior tomorrow , dammit! ”
I step toward them to stop him if things get out of line.

“ calm down ! ”

“ calm down and accept my death ?!”
Mikasa too , walks toward us , sharing a look with me.

“no!” Eren then pushes jean back and pins to the column.“remember our three years of training! We've been on the verge of death many times during those three years.
Some actually died , some ran away and some were sent away. But we survived , didn't we?! We're gonna survive today too! ”

My eyes widen along with jean's. ' he never cease to amaze me.'
“ you'll survive today and you're bloody we'll go to the interior tomorrow!” he finishes and step away from jean.

Jean stands there dumbfoundly for a second before glancing at me and scowls , walking away.
I again follow him , as I pass by Eren and Mikasa , I give them a nod.

I jog a bit to catch up with jean. “ he's right you know ? We didn't go through those hellish years only to chicken out here! ”
I say , making jean frown at me.
“ I'm saying , we only gotta do this one last job and then we're good to go to the interior.” I continue. “ I know it's hard. shit , even I am scared. But , we're gonna do it okay?”
Jean eyes soften and nods , patting my shoulder. “ yeah , you're right. We're gonna do this.”

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