Chapter 10

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TW: death , gore,...( it's snk ffs)


Y/n arrived just in time to distract the titan hovering above jean.
Jean got surprised at her sudden appearance as he stopped struggling with the gear.

“ Y/N ?? HAVE YOU LOST YOUR MIND?!” jean shouts at me as I fly above his head.
I glare at him and start running on the roofs, with the titan following me.
jean froze at the use of his last name before grabbing the gear off the body and start running the other way.

Y/n , joined Marco and they both hurried back to the wall , with others following closely.
As y/n reached the wall , she collapsed onto her knees , panting.

“ Are you guys crazy??” jean yells at us in disbelief.
I stand up and walk toward him , punching him in the chest , making him Tumble.

“ What the hell Y/n ??”

“ you Idiot! What were you thinking?? You just threw away your life out there!”

“ I had it_”

“ oh please don't tell me you had it under control cause that bullshit , kirstein.”

“ okay I didn't! You should've let me die then!”

“ oi jean!”

“ you gotta be kidding me....” I gape at him.

Before our fight could continue, Annie turned out attention toward Eren , who was carrying the boulder toward the gate.

“Keep them out of the way! We must support Eren.” jean orders us as he flys down the wall with us following.

' I deal with you after this jean .'

Along the way , they split up individually. But before that , Marco shared a few words with Y/n .

“ don't die out there okay? And please have jean's back , you know how he is.” he smiles at me , which I return back.

“ meh , I try And you too ; don't die on me or I kill you myself.” he chuckles as his cheeks reddens and nods.
“ okay y/n.”

' but why am I having that feeling again? '

It didn't take so long that Eren finally closed the gate, securing wall rose.
Y/n stood on a roof with a look of awe and disbelief on her face , staring at the now closed gate.
Jean standing a few meters behind her, sighed and walked up toward her. Upon hearing someone approaching her , she looked back , just to turn away when she saw Jean.

“ Eren actually did it huh?” jean asks awkwardly , trying to start a conversation. Not hearing to answer , he clears his throat and stands infront of me. I look away as he takes a deep breath.

“ look , y/n I'm sorry. That was so insensitive of me.”

“ it was stupid.”

“yeah it was.”

“ and douchy of you.”

“ yeah_”

“ you're such a jerk.”

“ okay_”

“ how can you be_”

“ okay okay! I get it. Geez Y/n you're worser than my mom.” as soon as he says that , he regretted it.

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