Chapter 5

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' what's this weird feeling I have?

Year 850

It's raining heavily. In the depth of the forest inside wall rose, a group of cadets are running in all mud and dirt, like their life depends on it .

The instructor, better know as Keith shadis , is following the group with his horse.
Noticing one cadet is slower than the rest, he matches his pace. “what's wrong arlert? You are falling behind!” he stares down at the petit boy.
“Is it too hard for you? Do you want to be the only one to put down his equipment? If it was a real mission , you'd be titan food already ! ”

The instructor's voice could be heard from the front of the group, where three girls were running at fast as they could, with an air of competition between them.

Or should I say , between two of them as the other girl was just trying to finish this as soon as possible.

' I fucking hate rain.' I thought to myself as I nearly fell down.
looking over to my right , I saw Mikasa and Annie , running side by side , a little ahead of me.
' give me a break already. ' I groan internally and match my pace with theirs, causing them to look at me

“you guys are fucking unbelievable! Slow down geez.” she shout over the rain.“tell that to yourself, you caught up with us.” Annie shouts back.

I smirks at her.“ I just want to finish this so I can sleep.”
I glances at Mikasa who was silent the whole time. “ I'm not going all out like you two.” Annie rolls her eyes at her and goes back to running.

“you should.” Mikasa's voice reaches my ears, causing me to focus my attention on her. “If you wanna join Military police you should go all out.” she says without looking at me.

Over the last 2 years , Mikasa and y/n formed a friendship together.
But for one of them , it seems more than a friendship, Or so she thinks.

I sweat dropped at her words before giving her a shit eating grin. “ well, if you put it that way, I am putting my effort on this but , for another reason. So, it's not that different.” I says nonchalantly.
Mikasa spared me a glance from corner of her eyes and shakes her head at me.

“whatever you say.”

“oi don't say it like that ! Now I'm feeling bad.”

“ why would you feel bad?”

“ I don't know! ”

“ hn. ”


A few meters  from behind , jean was looking at the pair with
amusement , kinda jealous that he isn't over there with them.

Today is sunny , and hot

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Today is sunny , and hot. But when you're flying through the air , it doesn't matter. The shades of the trees and the wind , cools down the flying cadets as they're trying their best to slay dummy titans.

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