Chapter 9

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Inside wall rose

“ all cadets are to ready their equipment and stand by!” a garrison soldier announced to everyone as he walks through the crowd.

I'm sitting next to jean on the table with Annie , reiner and bertolt as Connie is explaining how we survived death to ymir and Christa.
“ I'm so sorry......we asked to send reinforcements for you.” Christa says after Connie finishes then Ymir adds .
“ we even managed to secure some gas.”
Christa continues.“ wait , then the people who aren't here are all....” I frown and look down , biting my lip to stop the tears that are threatening to fall. ' mina ....why? Why you? '

“ jean ! Don't tell me Mikasa was wounded?” Ymir's voice snapped me out of my misery. I blink the tears away and look at Ymir , then at jean who is wiping his mouth after drinking water.

He then explains that we were sworn to keep it a secret but everyone will find out eventually.

“if humanity lasts that long...” he finishes talking , making Connie , Ymir and Christa sweat drop.
I then grab the water canteen from jean and gulp down the remaining water. Jean gives me a confused look as I return it to him.
“ what? ” I ask him hesitantly.
“ Y/n , did you just... Drank from my water? ” he asks in disbelief. I nod slowly and shrug.
“ yeah , so? Was it poisoned?”

“ don't be ridiculous! You never drink from my cup or anything.”

“ jean , do you see any cup here? I had to. Don't worry you don't get cooties.”

“ Huh?! Who said anything about cooties?”

“ your reaction did.”

“ No it wasn't tha_”

“ ok we get it you two. Stop fighting like old married couples.” Ymir interrupts our argument with a lazy smirk.
Both me and jean's eye twitches as our face turn red. “ shut up Ymir ! ” we both snap at her.
Ymir laughs at loud and leans against Christa. Christa being an angel she is , scolds Ymir. “ Ymir! I told you it's not nice teasing people.”

Their conversation faded as me and jean give each other side glances before looking away .

From afar we could hear Marco was trying to stop someone from killing himself.
I look over and see Sasha beside them is bending over and says something about infirmary. ' everyone sure is a mess in their own way.'

Shortly after , we got summoned to gather around and get ready to fight. But , a single cannonball was fired from were Eren and others were , surprising all of us.

' what could've possibly happened?'

Suddenly , Reiner starts going toward the smoke , with others following after him , not listening to jean's protests.
I look at jean and nod at him , making him sigh and nod. We both follow them toward the smoke.

Upon reaching the area , we saw half of the titan's skeleton. “ what's going on down there?” Reiner stutters. Not knowing what to say , I just stare down at the skeleton with wide eyes.

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