Chapter 1

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(Y/n) sat in her room in Rivendell, red wisps of magic coming from her fingers as she lifted a book in front of her, her eyes glowing as she read. It had been ten years since that day Gandalf had brought her in as his apprentice, and she had learned more than she could have imagined. She heard a knock on her door, and the book floated towards the nightstand next to her bed, setting it down carefully, her eyes turning back to their normal (e/c). She got up and opened the door to see a disheveled looking Gandalf.

"Gandalf! Wha- are you all right?" she asked her mentor.

"(Y/n), I have a very important task for you. It could mean to survival or the destruction of all things good in Middle Earth." Gandalf told her. "I am headed to Saruman the White to gain information on..."

"Gandalf," (Y/n) began, worried, "information on what?"

"The one Ring." he whispered.

(Y/n) gasped in shock. The Ring. Sauron's Ring has been found.

"I need you to meet Frodo Baggins on the road to the Prancing Pony in Bree." Gandalf instructed. "If I am able to make it and meet you there, we shall come back to Rivendell. Bring the Ring here no matter what. Do you understand me?"

"Yes, Gandalf. I understand. I shall set out immediately." (Y/n) said, moving to gather her things for the road.

"Goodbye, my child." Gandalf muttered. "I shall see you in Bree."

(Y/n) nodded as she grabbed her bow and arrows, which were enchanted with her own magic, and her short sword. She gathered some food for the road and collected her necklace, putting it on. Once she was ready, she walked out of her room and began to run towards the stables. The rushed form did not see her best friend waiting near her horse.

"Did you think you could leave without saying goodbye, mellon?" Arwen asked, a smile etched on her face.

"Amin Hiraetha, Arwen." (I'm sorry, Arwen) (Y/n) said smiling, and gave her friend a hug.

"I understand you must leave. I hope to see you again soon." Arwen said.

"Of course, Arwen. I am coming back as soon as possible." (Y/n) stated. She climbed on her copper horse, Luinil, her things packed on the saddle.

"Tenna' ento lye omenta, mellonanin" (Until next we meet, my friend) Arwen said as Luinil started out of the stables.

(Y/n) waved to her friend one last time before sending Luinil into a gallop across the bridge out of Rivendell. "Ride fast, Luinil." she whispered to her elven horse as he ran. Her cloak billowed behind her, the hood covering her (h/c) hair.

She reached the road that came up right after Brandywine Bridge. It was now dark and raining, and (Y/n) had to squint to see through the rain. A boat was docked, showing that someone had taken the road near Buckleberry Ferry, crossed the river, and docked here, most likely on their way to Bree.

"Frodo Baggins." (Y/n) muttered, and urged Luinil forward. She needed to reach him and help him on his way to Rivendell. She heard a cry ring throughout the night, and urged Luinil to run faster. The Valar knows what would happen if one of the Ringwraiths found Frodo before she did.

Ahead of her she saw four small figures in the rain, running on the roads. (Y/n) was told that Frodo would have one companion, Samwise Gamgee, not the other two she saw. She round Luinil around the four small hobbits, who cowered at her hooded figure.

"Which one of you is Frodo Baggins?" (Y/n) asked, removing her hood so they could see her face. They stopped cowering, but some of them were reluctant to speak up, until one with black hair and piercing blue eyes stepped forward.

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