Chapter 7

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Aragorn tried to look through the darkness for (Y/n), but he could not see a thing. Last he saw of her, she had been hit with one of the falling rocks, but the collapse of the opening stunned his vision. He heard Gandalf speak as he lit up the area around them with his staff.

"We have but one choice. We must face the long dark of Moria." he said, looking around. "(Y/n), where is she?"

"Here!" they heard Merry call, and the Fellowship ran over to see the hobbit kneeling beside an unconscious (Y/n), the blood trickling from a wound in her head. Aragorn kneeled down beside her, Boromir as well, and looked at her injured form. The Ranger put a hand to her cheek, her skin still warm.

"Move, move!" Gandalf commanded, pushing aside the crowd to get to his apprentice. Placing a hand over her forehead, he closed his eyes and muttered an incantation under his breath. Slowly her eyes fluttered open and she moaned in pain. Her head was throbbing, and she looked around at the worried faces of the Fellowship.

"Did I miss something?" she asked, sitting up.

"Miss (Y/n)! Thank goodness you're alright." Sam said, relieved, and the girl put a comforting hand on his shoulder, attempting to stand up. Aragorn held out a hand for her, which she hesitated in taking, but did anyway, and hauled her up to her feet, allowing her to lean on him.

Looking at the covered entryway, she said, "Give me a minute, and I'll be able to move those rocks."

"No." Gandalf said, making her look to him. "You are in no condition to do such a thing. You have lost too much of your energy, and the strain would kill you."

"You don't know that." she claimed and looked back to the rocks.

"(Y/n) (L/n), for once in your life, listen to me, foolish child!" she heard Gandalf snap.

"He's right. Don't overwork yourself." Boromir said, looking at his best friend with worried eyes.

She sighed, knowing them to be right. She just didn't want to have there be a way out for them all that she could create, but not have the strength to. She nodded her head, and they turned towards the stairs leading up to Moria. She still leaned on Aragorn, who held her as gently as he could, helping her as they moved. Her steps were wobbly, and it would be some time before she was healed fully.

"Be on your guard." Gandalf called, leading the group. "There are older and fouler things than orcs in the deep places of the world." The Fellowship looked to each other nervously as the wizard held up his light. (Y/n) used what energy she had to create a ball of red light in her hand, lighting the area behind them. "Quietly, now. It's a four day journey to the other side. Let us hope that our presence may go unnoticed."

Moria was truly a grand place. The inside of the mountain was hollow with intricate bridges and pathways, but it was dark. Barely any light could be seen. Hours had passed, and (Y/n) felt that she could walk well enough, and lightly pushed Aragorn's hand away from her, muttering that she was fine, and walking ahead of him. He watched as she did, keeping close in case she fell.

The witch noticed his hesitation in letting her go, and furrowed her eyebrows at the thought. Why would he do so? It's not like he would actually care for her well being, right? Not many people, except a select few, have. She didn't dwell on the thought, keeping close to the hobbits in front of her, who were looking around in wonder at the dwarf city.

They came to a slight stop when Gandalf noticed something on the wall. (Y/n) walked up to where he stood, and saw veins of a silvery substance running through the rock beside them. Running her fingers over the ore, she gazed in wonder.

Witch: Aragorn Where stories live. Discover now