Chapter 21

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Once the party died down, people began to leave. Gimli had been dragged out of the Great Hall a while ago due to being passed out on the ground. Aragorn noticed (Y/n) was getting rather tired, and began to walk her back to her sleeping area, which had a small bed for her and a fireplace with some nice blanket set up for her.

"Aragorn, I'm not that tired, really." she tried convincing him, but her was stubborn.

"It's late, (Y/n). You need your rest." he said as he brought her to the bed. He went to set her onto the bed, but she gripped his collar and pulled him towards her, her lips not touching his yet, but just barely grazing over. The alcohol in her system was getting to her.

"You're so... irresistible when you're like this... commanding." she whispered, leaning back and pulling him with her.

"(Y/n)..." he tried. "You are drunk. I refuse to lay with you when you're intoxicated."

"My only intoxication is you, Aragorn." she whispered seductively, and he almost lost control. She truly could cast a spell over him without even trying. He gave her a single kiss on the lips, nearly unable to pull back, but got up and looked down at her, her eyes now drooping shut. He smiled down and kissed her forehead.

"Dream well, melamin." he whispered, and she lightly smiled before falling asleep.

Aragorn moved to his own sleeping quarters with the rest of the men. Gimli's snoring was not helping him sleep. He managed a little, but overall, he needed to get up and walk around for a bit. He didn't notice Pippin's awake form as he exited his sleeping quarters. It had been a few hours since he dropped (Y/n) at her room. He wandered the castle a bit before coming into where she lay, her sleeping form beautiful. The fire had gone out a bit, so he stoked it to keep it alive. Noticing her blankets had slightly fallen, he pulled them over her feet and her shoulders, but she stirred.

"What time is it?" she asked, her eyes still closed.

"Not yet dawn." Aragorn answered. She took hold of his hand lightly, her eyes now squeezing shut instead of resting.

"The Shadow came to me... he told me... he'd kill you, Aragorn." she said, and he sat down next to her. "I could not escape the darkness rising inside... what I fear to become will only grow inside me as the days become darker, and the nights grow longer."

"Night changes many thoughts. Do not let your fear become your driving mind." he said, kissing her hand lightly.

"But if it comes true..." she said, finally opening her eyes to meet his. He could see she was scared for the coming days. "I will be the doom of all good things in Middle-Earth."

"By my life, I will never let that happen. A'maelamin, cormlle naa tanya tel'raa. I know you can outrun the coming storm." he claimed. She smiled at him, and he wiped a stray tear from her cheek. "Sleep, (Y/n)... sleep... while you can." (My beloved, your heart is that of a lion.)

Aragorn left the castle, standing out on the stone as he looked at the mountains. He saw Legolas beside him, and went to stand next to him, the elf's eyes ever watching the landscape.

"The stars are veiled." Legolas said, not looking to the man. "Something stirs in the east. A sleepless malice. The Eye of the enemy is moving." There was silence, until something in Legolas snapped, and he realized. "He is here!" he said, and the two of them rushed inside.

(Y/n) lay on her bed, calm, but felt a presence nearby, one of great evil. It was him. Sauron. He was here! She bolted awake from her sleep, sweat dripping down her face, and hurried up when she heard screaming. It was Pippin. Racing into the room, she saw rolling on the floor in pain, the now glowing Palantir in his small hands. Aragorn burst in right after and saw (Y/n) use her magic to lift it from Pippin's hands, but she screamed in pain, Aragorn catching her as she dropped the orb and fell.

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