Chapter 8

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"Orcs!" Legolas said as the shouting of the creatures grew near.

Boromir ran to close the door for protection, but two arrows hit near his head, alerting them to their nearby presence.

"Get back! Stay close to Gandalf." Aragorn commanded the hobbits, who followed his orders.

Aragorn ran up to help Boromir close the brittle wooden door. A sudden loud roaring was heard as soon as it closed, and (Y/n)'s eyes widened at what it was.

"They have a cave troll." Boromir said in sarcastic enthusiasm. They barricaded the door shut with nearby weapons, but it would not do any good.

Gimli stood on the stone tomb as Gandalf and the hobbits drew their swords. (Y/n) and Legolas loaded their arrows into their bows. The orcs pounded on the door, trying to break through to attack the Fellowship which awaited inside.

"Let them come!" Gimli growled, brandishing his axe. "There is one dwarf yet in Moria who still draws breath!"

(Y/n) could basically feel the fear of everyone in the room, especially the hobbits who have barely seen battle in their entire lives. They could all see the swords beginning to stab their way through the door. They created a hole big enough for Legolas to shoot his arrow through and hit one of the orcs, the shrieking heard over the sound of breaking wood. (Y/n) fired her own arrow, the orc it hit burning at the enchanted tip.

However, the door broke, and the orcs piled in. Aragorn, Legolas, and (Y/n) fired their arrows until the orcs got too close, having to switch to close combat. The witch drew she short sword, not wanting to use her magic when surrounded by so many servants of Sauron, nor did she accidentally want to hurt one of the Fellowship.

She stabbed, slashed, and blocked the orcs surrounding them all. The black orc blood began to stain her face as it splattered from the wounds she inflicted. She beheaded an orc, but turned to see the cave troll crash through the opening, a club in its large, dark hand. Legolas shot an arrow into its shoulder, but it hardly did any damage. (Y/n) shot her own arrow, making the troll scream in pain and knock his club in her direction, making her have to jump out of the way.

The troll went to attack Sam, but Aragorn and Boromir grabbed it by the chain around its neck and pulled it back, making it fall off balance. Seeing its chance as Boromir still gripped onto the chain, it flung him into the stone wall.

"Boromir!" (Y/n) shouted, and began to fight her way to him. He was unconscious for only a moment, but shook himself awake at her voice. Too many orcs were in her way, and she saw another about to attack Boromir. Luckily, Aragorn threw his longsword into the throat of the orc, killing it.

(Y/n) heard Balin's tomb smash, and looked to see Gimli had fallen off, and the cave troll had smashed the stone with its club. She and Legolas both notched more arrows, firing them. The troll stumbled back, the arrow she fired hitting its shoulder. It burned around the arrow, ripping it out of its skin and going to attack Legolas, who somehow then managed to climb on top of its head and fire an arrow down, but the troll nearly grabbed him and threw him off, making him jump down.

(Y/n) heard Aragorn shout Frodo's name, and turned to see him getting attacked by the troll. In her distraction, an orc managed to slice at her rib slightly, making her cry in pain. She turned and stabbed it in the face with her sword, feeling the warm blood drip down her side. She turned just in time to see Aragorn thrown into a wall, now unconscious. The troll turned its spear to Frodo, and stabbed him in the stomach.

She gasped as she saw the hobbit wince in pain. She began to run to his side, but the troll stepped up in front of her, Merry and Pippin upon its head, stabbing down. Finally, after a while of fighting, Legolas shot an arrow up the troll's mouth and into its brain, killing it. The rest of the orcs were dead.

Witch: Aragorn Where stories live. Discover now