Chapter 4

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The remainder of their journey was filled with concerned hobbits and questions. (Y/n) and Strider tried answering every question they could, but (Y/n) had her own questions. What happened on Amon Sûl was haunting her mind.

Bring the Crimson Witch to him

Did Sauron want her?

All concerns were ended when the hobbits laid eyes on the beautiful valley of Imladris. They rushed inside as fast as they could and were greeted with a kindly face.

"My lord, Elrond." (Y/n) said to the lightly smiling elf.

"Welcome home, (Y/n)." he said, and brought them inside. He glanced at Strider and nodded, though (Y/n) and the hobbits could not see this, for they were ahead.

"Elrond, is Frodo all right?" (Y/n) asked.

"I was able to rid Frodo of the evil inside. Frodo has healed, young one." Elrond said, easing the girl's conscious.

"Thank the Valar."

"He has, however, been in a deep sleep ever since, and has yet to wake. But he will in time." Elrond informed them. Sam shyly stepped forward.

"Um, Mr. Lord Elrond, sir, if it wouldn't be too much trouble, could I-I see him?" Sam asked nervously, fidgeting with his hands.

Elrond smiled warmly at the worried hobbit, and led all of them to Frodo's bedside. (Y/n) stayed behind however, for she saw someone she had been waiting for.

"Gandalf!" she said as she ran to hug the wizard.

"My dear, (Y/n). It is wonderful to see you." he said. (Y/n) noticed some tension behind the warmth of his eyes. "I'm so happy you got Frodo here in time."

"Well if it wasn't for Strider-" (Y/n) said, looking back to where Strider had stood, but he was gone. "Um, if it wasn't for Strider, we probably wouldn't have made it."

"I'm glad you did. I'm terribly sorry I was unable to meet you. It seems our allies were not who we thought."

"Gandalf, what do you..." (Y/n) began, but then realized. "Saruman... he's working for Sauron."

"Indeed." Gandalf sighed. "We must go on without the council of the White Wizard. He has turned his back on all that is good in this world."


It had been a few days since they arrived, and Gandalf was sitting in Frodo's room, who had just begun to wake up. Gandalf informed Frodo of the time and date, and soon, Sam came rushing into the room, happy that his friend was alright.

"Oh, Frodo! You're awake!" (Y/n) said as she walked into the room, Elrond entering behind her.

"(Y/n)!" Frodo exclaimed, happy to see her.

"Bless you, you're awake!" Sam exclaimed to Frodo.

"Sam has hardly left your side." Gandalf claimed, smiling bright.

"We were that worried about you, weren't we, Mr. Gandalf?"

"By the skills of Lord Elrond, you're beginning to mend." Gandalf said, and looked to the elf lord.

"Welcome to Rivendell, Frodo Baggins." Elrond welcomed, and Frodo looked gratefully at the elf.

(Y/n) left the room to allow Sam and Frodo to speak to each other. She wandered the city, and found Strider sitting on a stone bench, looking out at the waterfalls. (Y/n) hadn't had very many exchanges with Strider since they got to Rivendell. Here, he was more cleaned up than in the Wild.

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