Chapter 10

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The witch was startled awake by a voice in her head. Looking beside her, Merry and Pippin were still asleep, but something lingered nearby. Careful not to wake the hobbits, she stood up to see what was lurking in the shadows. However, she saw Frodo coming up from a pit in the ground, a scared look on his face and the Ring in his hand. Behind him, she saw the glowing face of Galadriel.

Frodo looked between them for a moment before going back to his bed, leaving the two witches alone. (Y/n) looked tot he elf curiously, wondering what she wanted.

"You know your destiny now, Crimson Witch." Galadriel stated. "You know of the journey you must take? Who you must evade to succeed?"

"Yes." she answered shortly, wondering why no one could ever refer to her as her name, not her title.

"You must accept your power." Galadriel said.

"I have."

"No, you have not. You have merely accepted that you have it, not that it is a part of you, nor have you accepted your great destiny."

(Y/n) did not have a response for this. She looked to the grass, unable to meet the eyes of the Lady of Light. It was true that she finally accepted she had this great power, but it was also true that she hadn't fully thought of herself as the one who would take on the mantle of Crimson Witch, Protector and Guardian of Middle-Earth. It just all seemed like too much for someone like her.

"I just- I just don't understand how it's my power that is supposed to protect. I've only destroyed." she said shakily. "And I don't- I don't know how I'm supposed to do this without... without Gandalf."

"Fear not, child." Galadriel placed a soft hand on her shoulder. "You were never meant to be alone in your journey. There was always one who would stay beside you, if fate plays correctly."

"But, who? Who would help me?"

"In time, you will see. Your Fellowship accept you for who you are. Now, you must do that for yourself." The elf reached down and held (Y/n)'s hands gently. Her magic seeped through, the red slightly showing around her fingers. "Truly a wonderous sight." Galadriel looked to the necklace hanging around the witch's neck, and knew it to be of great importance. Giving a light smile, the elf walked away, leaving (Y/n) to stand in the woods, pondering her words.


The Fellowship of the Ring stood before Celeborn and Galadriel as they clasped green cloaks on all of them, a leaf brooch holding it together. "Never before have we clad strangers in the garb of our own people." Celeborn said as elves put the cloaks on them. "May these cloaks help shield you from unfriendly eyes."

Galadriel came forth with gifts for them all, beginning with Legolas. "My gift for you, Legolas, is a bow of the Galadhrim, worthy of the skill of our woodland kin." Legolas felt the designs of the beautiful bow, testing its string.

Next, she came to Merry and Pippin, handing them two small daggers for the hobbits, who unsheathed them and looked at their blades. "These are the daggers of Noldorin. They have already seen service in war. Do not fear, young Peregrin Took. You will find your courage."

Sam looked up at the Lady as she handed him a coil of white rope. "And for you, Samwise Gamgee, elven rope made of hithlain."

"Thank you, my lady." Sam said, and looked to the blades that his friends got. "Have you run out of those nice, shiny daggers?" Galadriel gave him a smile, to which Sam looked down rather sheepishly, but accepted his gift from her.

Moving on, Galadriel looked to the red haired dwarf, who's eyes were downcast. "And what gift would a dwarf ask of the elves?" she asked him.

"Nothing." Gimli said, then finally turned his gaze upwards. "Except to look upon the lady of the Galadhrim one last time, for she is more fair than all the jewels beneath the earth." Galadriel laughed slightly at his statement, a lovely smile upon her fair face. Gimil went to turn away, but hesitated, and said, "Actually, uh, there was one thing. No, no, no, no... I'm talking nonsense. It's quite impossible. Stupid to ask." However, Galadriel leaned down, and Gimli whispered in her ear. She gave him something (Y/n) could not see, before she moved to look to her.

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