Chapter 19

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Ringing in her ears was all (Y/n) heard as she finally came back, dust, blood and mud covering her body. She vaguely saw a blurry figure above her, and blinked her eyes as she came back to the world. Aragorn was looking down at her, his mouth moving, but she couldn't hear what he was saying. Shaking her head, she cleared her mind and finally could hear through the ringing.

"(Y/n), are you all right?!" he asked urgently.

"I'm fine, Aragorn. Come on, the battle's not over yet!" she said, and forced herself up.

She heard Gimli call out hers and Aragorn's names from above the wall, and her face contorted to one of confusion as they watched Gimli jump from the broken wall and land in the middle of a group of orcs coming through the hole, the water rushing out.

"Gimli!" Aragorn called, but the dwarf ignored him, swinging his axe every which way at the Uruks. The man looked behind him to the elves, who had their arrows prepared, and shouted, "Hado i philinn!"  The elves released the arrows, Aragorn pushing (Y/n) down to avoid hitting her, but she stood again as he prepared to rush to attack. (Hurl the arrows!)

"Herio!" Aragorn yelled, and he and (Y/n) ran to the orcs, the elves quick behind them. (Charge!)

Swinging her sword, she embedded her sword in the neck of an orc, and kicked it off. She watched as Aragorn beheaded an Uruk with his sword. Looking up towards the wall, she watched Legolas slide down the stairs on a shield, firing arrows at incoming Uruks. She shook her head with a smile and yelled, "Showoff!", making Legolas smirk her way.

Aragorn pulled Gimli from the water, for he had fallen over, and continued their battle, for the orcs kept coming. (Y/n) jumped and wrapped her legs around the neck of an orc, stabbing it in the head before forcing it down to the ground, stabbing another beside her.

"Aragorn!" Théoden yelled. "Fall back to the Keep! Get your men out of there!"

"Am Marad!" Aragorn commanded the elves. (Y/n) continued to attack, seeing red as she killed the Uruks. Aragorn grabbed her arm, stopped her, and looked up to where Haldir was still battling. "Nan barad! Haldir! Nan barad! (Y/n), go back. Stop your fight for now." he said, and she reluctantly followed the others towards the Keep, pulling a kicking Gimli back with her. (To the Keep! Pull back to the Keep! Haldir! Pull back!)

"Gimli, come on!!" she said, pulling him. Looking back, she saw Aragorn push a ladder and fall with it, jumping off and landing on a group of Uruk-hai. When he reached her, he motioned for her and Gimli to follow to the gate, which was currently being broken down by a battering ram. When they got to it, they saw Théoden leaning against the wall, injured. Aragorn burst forward and began to attack the Uruks that had managed to get through the gate.

"Hold them!" Theoden told them.

"How long do you need?" Aragorn called back.

Théoden was handed his sword to his good arm. "As long as you can give me."

Aragorn nodded and called for Gimli, pushing him towards the side door. (Y/n) went to follow, but Aragorn stopped her. "Stay here! Help rebuild the gate!"

"Wait! I can-"

"No!" Aragorn commanded. "Please, stay here." He left before she could get another word in.

She grumbled and watched as the men brought in large pieces of wood to help brace up the gate. She helped to kill a few orcs with her arrows until she saw Aragorn and Gimli get to the fight. The men were taking too long to brace the gate, and she could see the two out on the bridge were struggling to hold off that many orcs, so (Y/n) sheathed her sword and lifted her hands to the limber, quickly and expertly using her magic to attach them to the gate. The men watched in awe, cheering when she finished.

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