Chapter 22

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Aragorn and (Y/n) sat in Edoras, watching the beacon of Amon Din, waiting to see it would light, meaning Gondor was calling for help. Aragorn was eating a bowl of soup that (Y/n) had made, finding it much better than Éowyn's stew, and (Y/n) polished her sword, rather aggressively, some frustration on her face. Aragorn had noticed this, and put his hand overtop hers, setting his bowl aside.

"What is wrong, melamin?" he asked, and her gaze turned to see his.

She sighed, rubbing her eyes, but Aragorn took her hands in his own, kissing them lightly and rubbing his thumb over her knuckles. "I just... I'm scared for the future. I mean, what if we don't win this? What if Sauron succeeds, or gets me, or the Ring-"

Aragorn cut her off with a kiss, surprising her at first, but she leaned into it, putting her hand on his cheek. Pulling away, he said, "We must have hope that we will win, and I feel we shall."


"Do you believe that we can overcome this evil?" he asked. "Do you believe in this... in us?"

Leaning her forehead against his, she smiled lightly as his hand laid on her thigh. "I do, Aragorn. I truly do." He kissed her one more time, more deeply. "What do you imagine the future to be like, if we are able to make it out of this?"

"When we make it out of this," he corrected her, making her let out a huff, but a smile was on her face, "I imagine you by my side throughout any perils. My love, hopefully in the future, even, my wife."

"You're not proposing, are you?"

"No!" he said quickly. "Think of it as a promise."

She leaned her head down upon his shoulder, his head resting on hers as he wrapped an arm around her shoulders and pulled her closer. He was so in love with her, he felt as though he could fly. He would do anything for her, anything to make her happiness come true. "I love you, Aragorn." he heard her whisper through her beautiful lips. He kissed her head, and felt her fingers slip into his own. Aragorn knew she loved him just as much as he did her.

(Y/n)'s eyes opened only slightly, but it was enough to see the light from the beacon growing, filling up a small part of the sky. But, it was enough to be seen by the lookouts in Edoras. She sat up, making Aragorn look towards the beacon. They both stood and ran towards Théoden's castle. Bursting through the doors, Aragorn began to yell towards the king.

"The beacons of Minas Tirith! The beacons are lit!" Théoden looked up from his map towards Aragorn, who stopped just in front of him, (Y/n) behind him.

"Gondor calls for aid." she said, and they awaited the king's answer.

Théoden looked between those around him, silent. Finally, he put on a determined face. "And Rohan will answer. Muster the Rohirrim!"

Éomer nodded his head and looked to his sister before leaving to give the order to ring the bell, the Rohirrim gathering throughout Edoras, readying themselves for battle.

(Y/n) had Nayla readied for the ride, Aragorn with Brego next to her. As they prepared, they saw Éowyn with her own horse next to them. "Will you ride with us?" Aragorn asked.

"Just to the encampment. It's tradition for the women of the court to farewell the men." she said, but (Y/n) could sense a deeper meaning to her leaving. Her eyes glowing red, she listened to Éowyn's thoughts.

No one can know I ride for battle

(Y/n) looked at Aragorn, who understood, and lifted a blanket on Éowyn's horse to reveal a Rohan sword in it's sheath, hidden from the others by Éowyn's saddle. She quickly covered it as she looked at the man, silently begging him not to tell the others. "The men have found their captain. They will follow you into battle, even to death. You have given us hope."

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