Chapter 17

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(Y/n) had tears falling down her cheeks for the rest of the ride to Helm's Deep. Nothing gave her joy in that time, and Legolas and Gimli feared for her, knowing that Aragorn was a major tether to her soul staying pure.

When they reached Helm's Deep, the gate opened wide for them as Gamling shouted for the people to make way for Théoden. When they came to a stop, (Y/n) saw Éowyn run towards them, and look over their numbers.

"So few. So few of you have returned." she said, searching through the men.

Théoden looked to his niece and said, "Our people are safe. We have paid for it with many lives."

When (Y/n) got off Nayla, someone was there to take her to the stables. She thanked them and turned her gaze to the ground. She heard Gimli approach Éowyn, his ill news on his mind. The blonde saw the tear-stained face of the witch and feared for the worst.

"My lady." Gimli said, catching her attention.

"Lord Aragorn... where is he?" Éowyn asked rather shakily.

"He... He fell." Gimli said, the grief still in his heart.

(Y/n), listening, squinted her eyes shut in pain, and ran off through the crowd. She didn't want the eyes of the people of Rohan to gawk at her circlet, knowing what she was, so she ripped it from her head and stuffed it behind her cloak for no eyes to see. Finding a hidden spot for herself, she leaned against the wall and slid down to the ground, beginning to cry once more. She wrapped the green Lothlórien cloak around herself, wishing it was Aragorn's arms.

Legolas and Gimli had seen her run off, and the elf went to follow, but Gimli stopped him, looking sadly up at him. "Let the lass be. She's been through too much loss already."


Aragorn floated down the river, the current carrying him far. A teardrop fell into the water from high above, mixing with the stream. The current pushed him up onto the shore, the magic from the tears slowly bringing him back to the earth.

He dreamt of a beauty with (e/c) eyes and (h/c) hair that came to save him, kissing him upon the lips and bringing him back to life. She disappeared from his sight, leaving him, but she remained in his heart, like always.

Coming back to reality, Aragorn awoke slowly, weak and injured, and felt something nuzzling his face. Waking, he saw the horse he set free from Edoras standing above him. "Brego." he whispered, and the horse lowered itself to the ground. He reached up his hand to grasp onto Brego's mane, and pulled himself up onto the horse.

He needed to get back to her. Back to (Y/n).


Elrond looked out the window as he watched Arwen reluctantly leave for the last boats to the Undying Lands. She was firm on staying and helping the fate of her best friend, but she had to leave.

Elrond looked into the future as he gazed out the window. He saw a child, a little boy with (h/c) hair and striking grey-blue eyes he had only seen in one man. The boy ran to his parents, who took him up in a hug, the father lifting the boy above his head, all laughing.

However, he saw another possibility. There was no child, only death. The heir of Isildur failed to take his place as king, and failed to show the love he had for the witch, who shared his affection. But neither had the strength to act, and so, the witch felt abandoned, and the heir felt ashamed. A darkness overtook her soul, and born was the Ebony Enchantress.

Elrond blinked away the visions, worried for what fate had in mind for these two. No one else could interfere in this affair, or else the dark and sorrowful vision would become a reality. It must be to their doing alone. They needed to accept their destinies, their rightful places, and their love.

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