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Frodo awoke to the light of the sun shining through a window, and a soft bed and pillow underneath him. He had not felt such comfort in a long time. The sound of the birds chirping and running water soothed him as he sat up from his bed, and looked at the face he thought long dead.

"Gandalf?' he asked, and the wizard smiled and began to laugh.

Frodo soon joined in, feeling joy for the first time in a while. The door opened, and Merry and Pippin stood there, grins upon their faces. They ran and jumped on his bed in excitement. Gimli soon entered, and yelled out in happiness. He laughed and clapped and soon went to join Frodo's bedside.

Legolas soon entered with his soft features, and soon after, Aragorn and (Y/n). Frodo looked to see their hands intertwined, and laughed in joy. The two of them smiled and looked at each other, before (Y/n) leaned her head on Aragorn's shoulder, looking back to the happy sight before them.

Sam entered a little shyly afterwards, but a small smile was on his face nonetheless. Their eyes met, and understanding passed over them.


All of Gondor was gathered before the great castle, where the coronation to crown the king of Gondor was being held. Aragorn kneeled before Gandalf, (Y/n) standing beside the wizard in a beautiful red dress, her circlet upon her head. Gandalf lifted the crown of the king above his head, and placed it down upon Aragorn. He was now the king he was born to be.

"Now come the days of the king. May they be blessed." Gandalf said, and Aragorn stood up when he stepped aside beside (Y/n). The king looked to his beloved, who nodded, and he turned to face his people. They cheered for him, now having a king at last.

"This day does not belong to one man, but to all. Let us together rebuild this world that we may share in the days of peace." Aragorn spoke, and the crowd cheered once more. Soon, petals began to fall from the White Tree, one getting caught on (Y/n)'s hand. She looked at it, and lifted it back up into the air as Aragorn turned to her. His arm stretched out to her, and she looked at it before taking his hand as he gently pulled her towards him.

"Et Eärello Endorenna utúlien. Sinome maruvan ar Hildinyar tenn' Ambar-metta." Aragorn sang, and the two of them started out towards the crowd of people. They passed Éowyn and Faramir, who bowed to them both, and Éomer, who nodded his head. (Out of the Great Sea to Middle-Earth I am come. In this place will I abide, and my heirs, unto the ending of the world.)

They came to Legolas, who wore a circlet upon his golden head, and he had his people behind him. Aragorn and Legolas put a hand on each other's shoulders. "Hannon lle." Aragorn said. Legolas then looked to (Y/n) and nodded behind him. She looked over his shoulder to see her best friend holding a Rivendell flag, Lord Elrond behind her.

"Arwen!" she gasped in shock, and ran to hug her. The elven woman obliged, bright smiles upon both their faces. "Cormamin lindua ele lle!" (My heart sings to see thee!)

"Nae saian luume', mellonin" Arwen said. "Congratulations. You did it. You followed your destiny." (It has been too long, my friend.)

Arwen backed up by her father as Aragorn and (Y/n) began to walk through the crowd once more, arm in arm. They came to the four hobbits, who bowed to them both. Aragorn held up his hand to stop them.

"My friends." he said, and they looked up at him. "You bow to no one."

Aragorn kneeled to the ground before them, (Y/n) by his side. Soon, all around them began to kneel to the four hobbits who saved Middle-Earth.


Aragorn proposed to (Y/n) after the coronation, giving her a beautiful ring with a ruby in the center. He had been wanting to for so long, he couldn't believe he was actually able to finally make her his. Their love could be seen throughout all of Middle-Earth, and was considered the purest, truest, and most beautiful.

They soon got married, inviting the Fellowship back to Gondor for the ceremony. Faramir and Éowyn were there as well, along with Éomer, who now ruled over Rohan as king. These bonds of friendship and love never broke.

When (Y/n) found out she was pregnant, she was ecstatic, and full of joy to know that her gift could allow her to bear a child. Aragorn cried when he heard, and picked her up in his happiness at being a father.

A baby boy was born, with his mother's (h/c) hair and his fathers piercing blue-grey eyes. They named him Aradan, and he grew up to be quite the little troublemaker. He reminded (Y/n) of Merry and Pippin, those two hobbit boys she missed so much.

She was saddened when she received word that Gandalf had left for Valinor, and that Frodo had went with him. Bilbo had been offered a place among the elves to go as well, she had heard, and was glad that the old hobbit was finally getting the rest and peace he deserved.

One night, while (Y/n) was carrying her and Aragorn's second child, she was looking out at the stars above, and her gaze drifted to what used to be Mordor. She recalled all their past grievances that came from the country, but then remembered that she never would have met Aragorn if not for the war that ensued. She felt hands wrap around her from behind, and knew them to be her husband.

"What is on your mind, melanin?" he asked, his hands resting above their child.

"Nothing, just..." she turned around to face him. "Do you think we would have met if not for the war?"

Aragorn sighed and stroked her cheek with his thumb. "I do. I believe fate would have brought us together no matter the circumstance."

Smiling, she kissed him deeply. She was so happy here with him. She would never allow anything to take him away from her.

She was his witch, and he was her king.

Witch: Aragorn Where stories live. Discover now