Chapter 24

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Aragorn was able to heal Éowyn of her injuries, Éomer watching on worriedly for his sister's life. (Y/n) had found Éowyn after she had healed, praising her on her bravery. She had told the witch of Théoden, and how he had died in battle. She shed a tear for the fallen king of Rohan.

Walking through Minas Tirith, (Y/n) was reminded of when she lived here as a child. The streets were still white and shining, markets covering the streets. It wasn't filled with laughter and the sounds of people's chatter, for it was still recovering from the attack. Still, it brought back memories of her childhood, something she hadn't thought about in a while.

She thought of the days when Boromir and Faramir would run with her through these streets, the three of them making trouble together. She recalled how they accepted her as she was, and was so unlike their cruel father, who she had heard was burned alive during the battle trying to kill himself and Faramir.

She reached back to the main tower, and saw someone she had not seen in years. Faramir stood, his arm in a bind, looking out a window as he healed. She smiled and called his name, making him turn around. It took him only a moment to recall her face, he smiled back and they ran towards each other, meeting half way and hugging tightly.

"(Y/n)! How wonderful to see you again!" he said as he pulled away. "It's been far too long for my liking."

"Me too, Faramir. I missed you so much over the years." she said.

"I'm so sorry I couldn't help you. I'm sorry for what my father did, and I-"

"Faramir, it's all right." she soothed, and stopped his rambling. "Gandalf found me. He took me in and helped me. I understand my magic now."

"That's incredible. I... I still can't forgive myself nor my father for allowing you to be banished from Gondor."

"There was nothing you could have done. It was not your fault. You and Boromir helped me as best as you could. Accepting me was all I needed."

Faramir gave a small smile, and they began to walk through the city, remembering their time together and telling one another about their lives. They spoke of Boromir, both missing him deeply, but they knew he fought until his last breath, protecting those he loved.

(Y/n) heard how Faramir had seen a beautiful woman in the window of the healing chambers, and he was now captivated. His his descriptions, (Y/n) believed it to be Éowyn, and smiled. They would heal each other's hearts. Faramir asked about her involvement with Isildur's heir, to which she turned bright red, and he had a cheeky smile on his face. She told him about it, and he was truly happy for her, and happy that she found someone that accepted her for her.

"If you'll excuse me, Faramir, I must go see Merry and Pippin." she said. "I haven't seen my little since before the battle, and I must know if they are all right."

"Of course, (Y/n). I shall see you." he bowed his head and watched her run towards the healing chambers where Merry was recovering. From what she had heard, he had been badly injured.

When she walked in, she saw Pippin by an awake Merry's beside, the two chatting like they always do. Pippin was dressed in Gondorian armor, much to (Y/n)'s surprise. They both turned to her, and smiled brightly. Pip ran up to her and gave a tight hug.

"(Y/n)! I'm so glad you're here!" he said excitedly, and pulled her towards Merry's side.

"And I'm relieved to find you both all right. I was worried sick!" she exclaimed, sitting beside Pippin.

"Nothing can take me down now!" Merry said, sitting up. "I feel like I could take on all of Mordor at once!"

(Y/n) laughed at his claim. They laughed together and talked for a while, until Aragorn came in and saw the three of them together. He smiled at the sight, and walked up behind (Y/n), putting a hand to her shoulder and making her look up at him.

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