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Nicola's POV

"And that's how your mom and I met." I stroked the hair on my guinea pig. I just finished relaying my world wind romance to my new friend. I smiled as it chomped on the carrot stick I fed him. I heard a scoff from my bed, so I turned to see Alicia staring at my new pet in disgust.

"Did you really have to get a rodent?" She absentmindedly flipped the page of the Vogue magazine.

"Hey! I wanted a rabbit, but I'm so happy I got him instead." I nuzzled my cheek against him.

"What did you decide to name that horrid creature anyways?"

"Papua New Guinea?" Ali gave me a 'really' look. "I'm joking. I'm naming him Plumpy because he's chubby and cute!"

"That doesn't seem politically correct." She mumbled.

I was about to retort, but Rosé swung open the door. Her eyes scanned the room until they finally landed on me and Plumpy. A huge smile broke out on her face at the new addition to our room.

Ali refused to house our child, so it was up to me to give our kid a home. I handed Plumpy to Rosé who tickled him. I made eye contact with my girlfriend, who was sneakily watching the interaction. When our eyes met, she ripped her gaze away to focus back on the magazine. Even though she acts like she doesn't approve of my pet, I know she secretly loves him too. It was her who bought him for me.

"So cute! Can he stay here?!" Rosé begged.

"Well, he's for sure not staying at my house. Plus, the cage is set up in your room." Ali winced when Rosé let out an excited screech.

"Name?" She demanded.

"Plumpy because-"

"He's plumpy!" We both laughed while Ali rolled her eyes.

I jumped on my bed and cuddled into my girlfriend's side. She instinctively wrapped an arm around me while continuing to read. I smiled as I recalled how we ended up buying him.


Ali and I were out on a date earlier and were strolling through the city. We passed by a pet store and I begged Ali to go inside with me. She was transfixed by the fishes while I went to play with the puppies. As I was playing, my eyes caught sight of the bunnies. I asked a worker if I could play with one and he agreed. I really wanted to keep him, but Ali was strongly against it, especially when the bunny nipped her finger. I pouted at her, causing her to compromise. She said she'd get me a smaller animal.

I saw the guinea pigs and pointed at them. Ali raised a brow in dumbfounded annoyance. But since she promised, she had no choice but to buy the smaller animal. I picked out a guinea pig that had light brown and white fur. I instantly fell in love with him and was so transfixed by him that I didn't hear anything Ali was saying.

I think Ali gave up and went to buy the supplies necessary. I was still playing with my new friend when she paid for all the supplies necessary. Ali was also stuck with having to carry the cage, food, and a bunch of toys to the car while I simply held my new pet. I ignored her grumbles the entire ride back. I think she was annoyed that we cut our date short, but she needed to realize we now had a kid to consider.

Ali brought me back to reality when she kissed my cheek. I smiled at her, but she tried to keep a neutral expression. I found it entertaining how she still tried to put up an indifferent exterior when it came to emotions. It was ironic since she was such a BIG softy.

Flashback over

Ali and I flinched when Rosé jumped in between us. Ali glared while I laughed as my friend got comfortable between us. She then reached over Ali to grab her computer. Rosé then flung the magazine from Ali so she'd focus on the Netflix show. Ali glared, but didn't say anything to dismiss my friend. I had to stifle a laugh at Ali's expression. I'm not sure if Rosé noticed how pissed Ali was or just simply didn't care.

The three of us watched "Death Note." Ali was engaged the entire time and enjoyed when Light would kill someone. Ali would occasionally input that Light should be more violent in the murders. It didn't take many episodes until she finally got her wish.


My classes were alright for the most part since I had my friends with me. I especially enjoyed math because I had Alicia with me. I never understood how she made so many mistakes on the problems. Because I didn't want her to fall behind, I made extra time after school to tutor her. I thought she'd complain about having to do more schoolwork, but she thoroughly enjoyed it. Sometimes, it felt like she got things wrong on purpose.

Like today for instance, we had true and false questions for math and she got everything wrong. How does someone consistently get everything wrong, unless... that person did it on purpose. If a blind person took a true and false exam, they'd statistically get a 50%. The only way to get all the answers wrong is to know which answers are right.

I looked up from the desk to see Alicia pretending to think over how to attempt a math problem. She noticed my stare and made a confused face while tapping the pencil against her head. I can't believe this girl has been keeping me after school to help tutor her when she already knows the material. Actually, now that I think about it, she's never shown me her test scores.

"So what do I do here... I'm still confused about integrals." Her icy blue eyes stared at me. Oh, I'm so gonna have some fun.

"With integrals you place the exponent below the variable and subtract one from the exponent." I kept a straight face as I purposefully switched up the definition with a derivative. Ali's face scrunched up in confusion.

"You sure? Isn't it like the opposite?"

"Nope!" I confidently told her. "Now, keep doing that for your homework." I smiled.

"I mean... I don't think-"

"That's the correct way to do it. Why? You think it's wrong?" I rested my face against my hand as I gazed up at her.


"You know you could just ask to hang out with me. You don't need to pretend you're an airhead in the class." Her expression changed to one of shock. "You're the highest ranked in the class, aren't you?" I challenged.

"Guilty as charged." She sighed out as she finished her homework in record speed. Not even I could solve the problems that quickly. "How'd you know?"

"You got everything wrong. Like literally not one correct answer on the true and false which meant you knew which ones were correct. Also, you've never shown your tutor your tests scores. I'm assuming you get As."

"Something like that." She teased. "Plus, it's not just seeing you as a teacher. You're fulfilling my fantasies." She smirked while I blushed. "Anyways, I've got a light training today so I must go, ma chérie." She kissed me before leaving for tennis practice.

I was about to leave the library, but KJ walked in and made a beeline for me. I knew before he opened his mouth that I'd be helping him with math. Now, I was helping someone who actually needed help. Now that I think about it, was Ali pretending to need help because she was jealous of KJ? I honestly wouldn't put it past that little chipmunk.

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