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Alicia's POV

I'm so happy our Cuban trip came to a close. There was only so long I could go without internet. I didn't realize how much I truly was a slave to my phone, but I wouldn't have it any other way.

Zara was so desperate for fun that she participated in smoking cigars. Yeah, we were all wondering why the one person who has lung issues decided to smoke. I couldn't really blame her since we were bored out of our minds.

The only saving grace was the beach, but we could only tan for so long. We did some sightseeing and spent a lot of time in Havana. I'm sure the locals thought we were crazy when Gemma blasted the song "Havana." She then got a random guy to salsa dance with her. That girl was truly loco.

Zara decided to start some controversy by asking where Castro was buried. The guide was in shock, so Zara kept pressing him. Tamsin ended up slapping the back of Zara's head. We had to apologize to the guide while glaring at Zara. The guide showed us the different hiking trails and other gorgeous views.

Our business deals were smooth sailing. It was one of the few times that we worked together. Tamsin was the one who really led the discussion while the three of us would offer inputs every so often.

We were currently in the air. We should be landing in Boston relatively soon. Zara was texting Ryder while Gemzi and I watched a movie. I think Tamsin was sleeping since her eyes were closed.

"How do you think Nic is?" I turned to Zara. "Think she forgot about you yet?" She smirked.

"Oh, stop it." Gem reached over to slap Zara's arm. "She loves you very much." She sweetly assured me.

"Yeah. Why would you be concerned about Skye, the renown player who gets every girl she sets her sights on?" Tamsin shrugged. "It's not like she excludes girls who are in relationships."

"And it's not like she told you she's on a mission to steal your girl." Zara smirked. "There's nothing that should make you feel insecure." Zara smirked with Tamsin.

"Nothing at all." Tamsin reiterated.

"Both of you need to fuck off." I narrowed my eyes. "And my friends are looking out for her."

My sisters rolled their eyes, but didn't question me any further. I was looking forward to seeing my girlfriend. I've missed her so much and knew that my friends were taking great care of her!


"WHERE IS THAT BITCH, YASMINE?!" I roared as I swiftly walked through the sorority house.

The girls were wise to stay clear of me. They were frightened since I've never yelled before. Oh, they're gonna be in for a real surprise when I rip into Yasmine. I quickly turned the corner, causing a girl to yelp and jump out the way. I harshly swung open Yasmine's door. Astrid, Yasmine, and another girl were inside.

"Out." I directed it at the random girl. She quickly shuffled out the room. I then loudly shut the door.

"Now, before you-"

"HOW DARE YOU?!" Yasmine flinched at my tone. "WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?!"

"Ali, lower your voice." Astrid meekly reprimanded me.

"I AM IRATE, ASTRID! THIS IS AS LOW AS MY VOICE WILL GET!" It was Astrid's turn to flinch at my tone. "NOW, ANSWER!" I yelled at Yasmine.

"I think this is a misunder-"


"SHE CHEATED ON YOU!" Yasmine stood up.

"Okay, we really need to quiet down." Astrid stood in between us as she put a hand to both our chests. "Seriously, we don't need a scandal getting out." She hissed at both of us. "Calmly, you two." She lowered her hands.

"She was hysterical." I seethed. "She's already insecure and you had the nerve to feed into her insecurities!"

"I stated the obvious... it's her fault for being so fragile. She cheated on you! Went on several dates with Skye! Of course, I was suspicious! I'm looking out for you since you're my friend and I love you! I don't want her hurting you again!" Yasmine's chest was rapidly rising and falling. "You can't handle another heartbreak." She whispered.

"That's not your choice to decide." I harshly stated. "She didn't even want to give you up." Yasmine rose a brow at that. "When I went to see her, she was acting weird. I called her out on it, but she was being vague. I had to force her to tell me what was wrong. And even then, she tried to withhold your name. I eventually got it out of her." I narrowed my eyes at Yasmine. "You are wrong about her, Yasmine. She has a heart of gold." I took a step towards her. "And it's me who doesn't deserve her." I whispered.


"NO, YASMINE!" I shoved her back. "You and I are no longer friends." I defiantly stated.

"Ali, you don't mean that." Astrid was pleading with me.

"YOUR DUMPING ME FOR A GIRL YOU JUST MET?!" Yasmine screamed. I'm sure the whole house was listening and secretly recording this.

"Should've done it the first time you talked negatively about her." I stated with venom. "You are dead to me." I stated with such finality, Yasmine had a tear escape her eye. I gave her one final glare before leaving her room.

"Ali!" Astrid grabbed my arm. "Please, you're just angry... rightfully so." She stuttered after receiving a harsh glare. "Don't make emotional decisions." Her eyes widened in hopes of convincing me, but my mind was already made up.

"Sorry, but I just ended a friendship." I locked eyes with Yasmine. "I'll be taking my leave now." I ripped my arm free from Astrid's grasp.

When I opened the door, like I expected, a group of girls were listening. Fear filled their eyes when I shot daggers at them. They quickly scrambled out my way. I swiftly walked out the house and towards my chauffeur. He immediately opened the back door.

I let out a scream of anger and anguish. My chauffeur struggled against saying something. One glare from me told him to shut up and drive. I took my phone out and scrolled to Yasmine's contact name. I hovered over it a moment before deciding to block and delete her number. I didn't realize I was crying until I saw my phone screen become soaked from tears.

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