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Nicola's POV

Beep Beep Beep

"OH MY GOD! TURN IT OFF!" I screamed while my eyes were closed.

"That's the fourth alarm you've snoozed." Rosé chuckled. I peeked to see her grinning face. "How much did you drink?"

"Too much." I groaned and pulled the covers over my face.

After dinner, Skye insisted we go clubbing on a Tuesday night. I refused countless times, but she stated she was driving and had the privilege of deciding where we were going. She pulled up to an exclusive club and practically poured liquor down my throat for the entire night. I wasn't amused, but she told me I had to loosen up if I wanted her to divulge everything. I reluctantly agreed and the rest of the night was a blur.

"Well, you have to get up. I heard we have a pop quiz today." I groaned even louder. "Come on! We're already late."

I dragged my feet as I trudged into the bathroom. I did my routine and had Rosé dress me. I had no energy whatsoever. She finished fastening the tie before handing me her designer glasses. I was about to refuse, but she positioned me in front of the mirror. I looked like absolute hell. Wordlessly, I grabbed her glasses and put them in.

Rosé tried dragging me to the building, but I told her to slow down or I was about to empty my stomach on her. She told me to stay as she darted into the lunch hall. She quickly came back with a bagel, crackers, and water. I thanked her and chomped on the crackers.

My classes were... well, I have no idea. I'm pretty sure I passed out in each class. Luckily, my pop quiz was a group effort, so my friends did it and put my name on it. Hyde and Michael had to assist me to my classes since I was moments away from face planting. What did I drink?!

"Are you just gonna head back to your room since attendance is optional?" Taylor asked as we sat in the lunch hall.

"Yep, when I gather the energy to walk back to my room." I rested my head on Shawn's shoulder.

"And here comes the one who caused you to feel like shit." KJ mumbled.

"Hey, babe!" I groaned at Skye's introduction. How was she perfectly fine?! "Looks like you had a rough night." She smirked.

"What did you put in her drink?" Hailey was becoming protective.

"Just absinthe, run, vodka..."

"Absinthe?!" Justin and KJ were bewildered.

"You were really trying to kill her." Cher and Rose crossed their arms in anger.

"Relax. It's not my fault she's a lightweight and can't hold her liquor." Skye chuckled. "Anyways..." She pulled up a chair and positioned it between Shawn and me. "You can rest your head on my shoulder." She placed my head on her shoulder. I was too sick to remove it. "So... what were you all talking about?" She excitedly asked my friends.

"How much we can't stand you." Hyde deadpanned. The boys fist bumped her.

"And why's that? I've been nothing but gracious to your friend since I've arrived. I took her on a date to buy anything she'd like, took her out for a nice meal, and even took her to a club. I've been nothing but generous to her." Skye shrugged.

"Because you have an ulterior motive." Taylor and Rosé pointed at her. "We don't trust you." They gave her a defiant look.

"Can't please the haters." Skye sighed out. "What would you like to do today, love?" She brushed a strand of hair behind my ear.

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