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Nicola's POV

I stood there absolutely confused. Which one was first and when was the party?! Hailey and Rosé took my arms and dragged me to our class. Rosé was hyper the entire day as she told everyone she had been invited to the McAllister's home. I didn't realize it was referred to as the Manor until now. I was surprised to see all the envious faces people had when they learned of Rosé's invite.

I took out my phone to text Ali that I'd be attending the party. Yep, it's a new phone. Somehow, Ali had found time to order a new phone for me. When I woke up in the morning, Ali handed me the new phone along with air pods. I was about to refuse, but she said Gemma had actually bought the headphones as an apology. I nodded, which prompted her to give me an Apple Watch. Before I could complain, she said it was an apology from Chico since his drink had spazzed out my phone. I just glared at her as I took the expensive gifts.

Ye I'll be there. When's the party tho?

Umm... tonight


In my defense you know I'm terrible with dates and constantly get them mixed up. Blame the dyslexia and why do there have to be 2 days that start with 't' and 's.' Like couldn't there be a variation or something?

I didn't kno u had dyslexia

And Gem has ADHD but I don't think you're surprised by that

And Zara has antisocial personality disorder?

Did you just ask if my sister is a psychopath or serial killer lol

People with ASPD are known to b witty fun and charming

I can see the witty, but you're really saying that she's charming and fun?

You got me there anyways when's the party

Tonight, but you're probably asking about the time. Starts at 6, but I probs will not be making an appearance until close to 8. I'll leave the show for Tamsin.

Aye so 8?


I put my phone away before the teacher could confiscate it. The rest of the day was boring as I began thinking about the outfit I'd be wearing tonight. Since Rosé had heard Ali invite me, she elicited the help of our friends to find me an outfit. It wasn't that much effort since it was just a formal event and I could borrow their clothes.

Cher loaned me her dress while I borrowed Rosé's shoes and jewelry. Leon did my hair while the girls fought over who was doing my makeup. Hailey somehow won the argument and expertly applied the cosmetics.

Rosé offered to drive me since she was curious as to what the exterior of the house looked like. Her mouth dropped open when we pulled up to the gate. I guess I'm just immune to the grandeur since I'm here like every week. The guard took one look at me and opened the gates.

I waved goodbye to Rosé as I began climbing the steps. Waiters were swiftly moving around and making sure none of the guests' glasses were empty. One of the valets offered to escort me inside. I gladly took his arm as he led me into the main room.

I took an hors d'oeuvre as the waiter passed me. The Iberian ham was extremely tasty. The twins and Ali spotted me at the same time. They excused themselves from the conversation and greeted me.

"Nic!" Gemma tightly hugged me.

"What are you doing here?" Zara was more questioning Ali, who ignored her and brought me in for a hug. "If mother sees her-"

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