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Alicia's POV

Tamsin and I were at the office for some meetings. We were exhausted since school had ended a couple hours ago. I just sat back and listened to Tamsin criticizing one of the men's proposals. I didn't tell her to temper down since the guy was misogynistic. Tamsin will give him more of a reason to think women are hormonal and ill fit to run an empire.

Sara, the secretary, knocked on the door. She apologized, but said that an important client was here to meet with me. I nodded and got up to go alone, but Tamsin decided to join since she "couldn't stomach being in a room full of idiots." Sara led us to my office and nodded before leaving.

Tamsin opened the door and let out a quiet gasp. I walked in and almost let out a sound, but I composed myself. A smirking Skye was sitting at my desk. I snapped my fingers and motioned for her to use another seat. She rolled her eyes, but complied. Tamsin sat on my desk while I sat behind it.

"Just cut the bullshit and get straight to the point as to why you are inhabiting my office." I spoke devoid of emotion.

"I'd call this a negotiation." She spoke slowly and looked at me to make sure I understood what she was saying. I narrowed my eyes at her pompous attitude. "Here." She slid a folder close to me.

"I have no interest in wasting my time." I picked up the folder and threw it into the trash. "Now, why are you here?" I clasped my hands and leaned forward.

"I must say that you surely have gotten more confident. Where's the insecure licorice I knew and lov-"

"Gone and not amused with your games. If you have nothing of substance, I suggest you leave. Tamsin and I are busy and cannot afford for our time to be wasted." I made a move to stand up, but Skye halted me.

"If you read what was in the folder, then you would know why I am here and what I want." She smirked. "Your companies have been found to pirate software, not follow all safety regulations, manipulate research data, instances of corporate fraud... would you like me to continue?"

"Since when did a princess from a foreign country make a career switch and become the FBI?" Tamsin's eyes narrowed.

"Being a princess allows me to have friends in high places." She stood up and walked to the window. "Clearly, my friends are higher than yours." She smirked.

"What do you want?" I was getting bored.

"What do you think I want?" She posed the question back to me.

"I don't know. You're a princess so I would rule out money and power. The only thing I can guess is you want to hurt Ali somehow." Tamsin scrunched her brows.

"Ding! Ding! Ding!" She swayed over to me. "I want your girl." Tamsin gasped while I scowled. "I want Nicola in exchange for making all your dirty deeds go poof." She opened her fist to simulate something disappearing.

"No." I stated, causing her to be flabbergasted. "All businesses have some form of unethicalness and Nic isn't a piece of property that I'll be wagering. You can show yourself out."

"Why? Worried that if I have a go at her, then she'll leave you?" I involuntarily flinched. "Ahhhh! So that's it. You're scared she'll fall for me and leave you... like every girl." My hands formed into fists. "Give me a chance to woo your girl." She chuckled. "Plus, she'll like that my entire family supports my sexuality." I was fuming mad at this point.

"Leave! We will not be brokering a deal with you. Threaten us with legal action all you want. We'll have lawyers take care of this." Tamsin stated.

"Okay... that means that I can publish the illegal actions your company has done, Laurens' addiction problem..."

Tamsin and my eyes widened at how she knew that. Laurens was officially 2 years clean of cocaine. How'd she know that?!

"And then the DUI that Ryder got, Gemma and Chico being caught with weed in the car...." Tamsin was fuming now. "Tamsin's doxing of several students. Your family intimidating other people-"

"We get it." I cut her off. "You'll never make a pass at my girl." I narrowed my eyes.

"Watch me." She smirked. "I will be attending Xavier Academy after all."


"Is she crazy?" Yaz asked.

I had relayed the events to my two best friends. They were dumbfounding at Skye's sudden arrival. We were lost as to why she wanted to ruin my life. I was finally happy and she wanted to take it all away!

"Does she love you or something?" Astrid wondered.

"No!" I yelled. "She made that very clear before." I sighed before flopping on my bed.

"What do your sisters think?" Yaz wondered.

"Tamsin wants to commit murder. She also won't give the twins' ears a break. She keeps ranting about how Skye wants to take us down. I think all of us are on Team KillSkye."

"Does Nic know?" Astrid flopped next to me.

"Hell, no."

"When's Skye starting classes?" Yaz sat next to us.

"Who knows?" I shrugged. "Def not this week since it's already Thursday. I have a feeling she'll be starting next week."

"You need to tell Nicola."

"Why?" I looked at Yaz in confusion. "I don't want to stress her."

"She has a right to know and I think there's more of a reason than a fear of stressing her out. You're worried she'll fall for Skye." My hands turned into fists. "Just tell her. I'm sure she'll laugh and then reassure you that she's yours." Yaz stated like it was fact.

"What are you so afraid of?" Tridi wondered.

"So so much." I whispered.

Whoop! Whoop! Tamsin and Alicia make a powerful duo when they team up against the enemy. But... uh, oh. Skye has returned to steal Nicola away from Alicia. Who's going to be victorious? Team Skye or Team Alicia

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