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Alicia's POV

"You know... if I wanted to do yoga then I'd have gone to a yoga class with Tridi."

"Shhh! Think zen. Be the zen." I rolled my eyes at my tennis trainer.

Ivan has been very hesitant to do any activity that will get my heart rate up. Even though I've been cleared for physical activity, he's still resistant. Because of that, he's turned our practices into a wellness class. It'd be one thing if he wanted me to do resistance training and not aerobic exercises, but an intense former Yugoslavian man trying to get me to channel my inner peace... yah, no.

Ivan had the whole getup today. He was wearing black compression tights under neon yellow shorts. His black tank top was a few sizes too small to outline his muscular frame. I'm literally less than a centimeter about to criticize his fashion choices, especially with those white ankle socks and white sketchers. Like really? He honestly thinks he's in the 70s. Oh, and he put on a headband.

"I sense negative energy. Turn negative to positive." His eyes were still closed.

"I think you're sensing judgement on my end." He opened his eyes to glare at me. "This is stupid. I'm done doing the Vrikshasana. I have to do that enough when I'm with Astrid. I've been cleared for physical exercise. Let's do a light rally." I picked up my racket and lightly hit the ball to which he hit back.

Halfway through my practice, Astrid and Yaz came and sat on the bench. They were chatting with each other while waiting for me to finish. Ivan ended the practice early since he didn't want me pushing myself too much. I rolled my eyes, but was secretly happy that I could sneak off with my friends. I quickly showered before making my way to them.

The girls hopped in my Range Rover. We drove downtown so that we could go shopping. We went to get mani pedis and talked about how our parents are making us become more involved in our companies. I've always been involved, but my dad is giving me more work to do. He claims he's trying to assess my threshold by dumping mountains of paperwork before me; unfortunately, I'm very competitive and easily get the work done which causes him to give me even more work.

I sipped my champagne as Astrid discussed the architectural improvements her family's company is making in Singapore. She was born in Korea, but her family moved to Singapore once the company expanded. Her father was a big shot architect and had been tasked with making the buildings in Singapore more futuristic.

Yasmine's family ran an oil empire in Dubai. She's originally from Israel, but similar to Astrid, had to relocate because of her father's job. She would much rather live in Israel than Dubai, but her opinion had no weight.

Yaz and Tridi were complaining because their parents weren't exactly traditional. Typically, the women were to be educated, but would never work. However, their families want them to work in the family business because they're progressive. My friends are annoyed because they thought they'd just find a rich husband and constantly vacation on yachts. Now, they actually had to understand the ins and outs of their companies.

One of the workers refilled my empty glass and offered me some hors d'oeuvres. Yes, I know none of us are 21, but you can get anything when you have money. I picked up the caviar that was presented on toast. The delicious flavor melted in my mouth as Astrid was groaning about a business meeting she had to attend.

"I just can't wait for Easter." Astrid dreamily said.

"You realize Easter is like a month away right?" Yaz scrunched her eyebrows in confusion.

"What?! I thought it was next week!"

"Aren't you like Buddhist and you're Jewish? Why so interested in Easter?" I chuckled.

"I love chocolate!" Tridi answered with a grin.

"And my mother is Jewish and my father is Muslim, so I'm not really that devout. Like I love Christmas! The gifts are nice and the food is yummy." Yaz smiled.

"Yep! Love Christmas! Best holiday of the year!" Astrid added.

I just rolled my eyes and got comfier in my chair. I pointed to the purple nail polish so that the lady could apply it.


I was eating the omelet my chef prepared. Gemma slipped over to me and plucked a strawberry from my plate. I glared at her, but she just gave me a bright smile and picked another one from my plate.

"Attention, everyone!" Tamsin entered the room. Why must she be so loud in the morning? "We have a business trip to attend to after school." Gemma and I groaned while Tamsin told us the location. Gemma and I tuned her out as we ate our breakfast. "And mom wants you to invite Nicola." Tamsin concluded.

"Huh?" I stopped mid bite. "Why?"

"So that we can assess her and determine her worth. Now, I will be leaving for school." She turned on her heel and left.

"I'm confused." I turned to Gemma who just shrugged her shoulders. She proceeded to grab all the strawberries out my plate before booking it out the door. I'm so gonna kill her.

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