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Alicia's POV

I gritted my teeth and forced a smile at Nic. She looked at me concerned, but I avoided her stare and sat next to her. She glanced to make sure Tamsin wasn't paying attention before she whispered.

"Are you alright?" I just hummed a reply. "Is this about Skye?" I turned to her when she uttered that wretched name. "It is. What happened between you two?" I must've narrowed my eyes since she flinched.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to do that." I apologized. "It's just that she's the last person I want to talk about now." I breathed out. "I'd rather focus all my attention on someone who deserves it." I rubbed her thigh.

"I'm here if you want to talk." I couldn't help but smile at her empathetic nature.

"Guys! I got us an invite to Floyd Mayweather's yacht to paaaaaaaaaaartaaaaaaaaay!" Gemma bounded towards us. "Can we go? Please, please please, please."

"Uh fine!" Tamsin was exacerbated.

"Yay! Thanks, Tammi!" Gemma squeezed Tamsin in a tight embrace. "Let's go!"

"Like now?" Tamsin and I asked in unison. Gemma rapidly nodded her head and pulled us up.


We got back to Boston yesterday. I've been a bit distant from Nic, despite my intentions. I know she's worried and I hate that I'm the reason behind that emotion.

"Return!" I snapped my eyes up to Ivan. "You missed again!" I groaned at him.

This practice had been nothing but a bust. I could barely even rally with him since I either overhit the ball or under hit it. I just can't seem to focus and that's messing up my game. I absentmindedly threw my racket and walked to the benches to take a rest. I sat down with a huff and drank from my water bottle.

"I feel like we could beat you in this condition." I looked up to see Yasmine smirking. Astrid waved before sitting next to me. "I think you should call it a day if this is how you're going to be playing."

"I'm having a rough day. Pick this up tomorrow." I more stated than asked my trainer.

I didn't wait for a reply since I stood up and walked to my car. I didn't want to spend a second longer than I had to. I just wanted to go home. Yasmine and Astrid had to jog to catch up with me.

"What's your problem?" Yasmine pulled my arm back.

"I'm having a rough day. Leave me alone!" I left them both stunned.

"No! What's your issue? Did you and Nic have a fight or something? If so, don't you dare take your anger out on us." Yasmine narrowed her eyes.

"Ali, what's wrong?" Astrid gently took my hands in hers.

"I just need some space." Astrid's grip only tightened. "Fiiiiiine." I drawled out, causing them both to snicker. "I saw Skye." My friends' faces dropped. "Ya, so I'm a bit rattled right now."

"She's here? At the school?" Yasmine went into protective mode.

"No. We went to a formal party in Cannes and then my mother had us attend the gala in Monaco. That's where we ran into each other." I breathed out. "Her and Nic were getting very comfortable with each other." I sighed.

"She was using her charm?" Astrid's voice had taken on a serious edge.

"I-I don't know. I couldn't stomach being around her, so I left. To spite me, Skye invited us to the Grand Prix. I was still consumed by my thoughts that I ended up ignoring and deserting Nic. Of course, Skye came to fill the void and Nic and I are... I don't even know. I've been blowing her off." I groaned.

"Hey, I get that you're rattled by her and that's perfectly normal. Now, I don't condone your actions towards Nicola. You need to remedy that. Also, maybe you could open up a little about your past. I know she has." Yaz rubbed my arm in a comforting way.

"I'll see." I gave a tight lipped smile. "Oh, remember that we are having a sleepover this weekend." I pointed at my friends.

"Of course." Yaz chuckled.

"You better patch things up with Nic because I expect to see her there." Astrid crossed her arms.

"I will."


Today was the day I was going to apologize to Lala. I've been an ass towards her and she didn't deserve it. I saw her leaning against a wall as she spoke with her friends. I got nervous all of a sudden. What if she told her friends how I treated her and they are hostile towards me?

She caught sight of me, causing her friends to turn and glare at me. Okay, so she did tell them. That-That's perfectly fine. I don't know why she's the only person who can make me nervous. I gulped down the lump in my throat and approached her.

"Nic, I'm-"

The assembly will begin soon. Please head to the stadium.

I groaned at being interrupted. Her friends guided her away from me and towards the stadium. I turned and saw my friends waiting for me to join them, but I was on a mission. Without an explanation, I left my friends to join Nic. They were clearly surprised when I plopped next to her in the stands. I reveled in KJ's annoyed face since I took his spot.

The headmaster began speaking about the traditions and other stuff that I tuned out. I tried speaking to Nic, but she gave me the same silent treatment that I had given her. Hmm... so this is how she felt. Well, it didn't feel good!

"Nic, I'm sorry." She kept her head forward. "I ran into someone who has caused me great pain and I didn't react appropriately." That seemed to catch her attention.

"What did she do?" She gave me her full attention.

"A lot, but I'm not ready to-"

"It's okay." She squeezed my hand. "Whenever you're ready, I'll be here." She gave me a light smile. "I love you."

"I love you too." I smiled widely. "Oh, one more thing." She hummed in reply. "My grandparents are in town, would you like to join us for refreshments?"

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