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Nicola's POV

I finished showering and was putting on some clothes. I was actually wearing Ali's clothes since I didn't have time to pack anything. Luckily, her staff packed a wide selection. She told me to dress comfy since we would be going to the amusement parks today, one of Gemma's demands.

I was putting on the shirt when Ali walked in. She smirked since I was still in my bra. In a few long strides, she was before me. She picked me up and placed me on the counter as she trailed kisses down my neck. I threw my head back from the feeling.

"I swear if you two horn dogs are fucking, I'm gonna go mental!" Tamsin screeched from the next room. We rolled our eyes, but decided to resume this later.

I sat down with Ali at the table and began eating the breakfast before us. Zara laid her chopsticks down and eyed me with interest.

"I'm surprised you're so hungry considering you had a meal earlier." I nearly choked from Zara's comment.

"Eww! I don't want to think about that!" Tamsin complained.

Ali was rubbing my back while I coughed. She sent daggers to Zara who just shrugged her shoulders. Gemma excitedly told us the schedule for today. We would first be going to Disneyland and would go to Universal Studios, if time permitted. The main requirement was Disneyland and we had to ride all the rides.

"Are you sure we'll be able to ride everything?" I didn't want to get her hopes up since the lines tend to be long.

"We'll have security around us as well as a private guide, meaning we'll be cutting all the lines." Ali answered while biting a piece of watermelon.

Tamsin and Zara were playing on their phones while waiting for Ali and I to finish up. Gemma, on the other hand, was super hyper and kept rambling about her favorite Disney movies and characters. I tried to tune her out, but she kept bombarding me with questions, so it was really hard to, especially when she was so excited. Once we finished, Gemma grabbed my arm and dragged me out the room.

We all piled into the Escalade waiting for us. Gemma had the driver play music from her favorite Disney movies. I think he, along with all of us, were Disneyed out before we even arrived at the park.

Like Ali had said, a guide and security were waiting for us. We got out and followed the guide through the different attractions. Maybe it was her job, but the guide was able to match Gemma's enthusiasm. Ali placed her arm around my shoulders as we walked. Tamsin glared and reminded her sister about not packing on the PDA. Ali's rebuttal was that showing affection towards the same gender was not uncommon here, kissing was another story however. Tamsin scoffed while Zara made a comment about how disgusting affectionate couples are.

For most of the rides, Gemma grabbed her twin to accompany her. I would sit with Ali while Tamsin would be scowling by herself. Gemma would occasionally switch it up by demanding to ride with me or taking one of her sisters. I'd find myself paired with Zara who was anything but pleased. I did make the mistake of riding with Tamsin at one point. Big mistake! I'm surprised my head didn't explode from the amount of daggers she gave me when I accidentally flew into her. It's not my fault the ride liked to fling people from side to side!

Gemma had her fill of Disney and directed us to the Universal park. I thought she'd be a little tired, but she was even more energetic if that was possible. Like before, we skipped all the lines and were able to ride everything.

"What's next, Gemzi?" Zara was clearly tired.

"Hmm... well, we have to raid the gift shop!" She grabbed Ali and ran inside the store.

"She's literally a child." Tamsin muttered.

"Well, she is younger than you." I mumbled, but she heard it.

"Younger, yes. But, she makes Ali look like she's older because of her personality. Ali is literally a baby... age wise at least."

"You know you're older than her?" I shook my head at Zara. "She's 16 and you're almost 18, right?" I nodded at her. "So you clearly are rocking the cradle." I glared at her.

"How old are you guys?"

"You know it's rude to ask a lady her age." Zara stated before walking deeper into the store.

"So she can inquire about mine, but I can't ask about hers. Good to know." I sarcastically muttered, but Tamsin heard again.

"18." I looked at her, causing her to roll her eyes. "The twins are 18 and Gem is older... I know it's hard to believe based on how she acts. I'm 20 and Ali is 16. She will not be turning 17 for a couple of months." She then walked towards the snow globes.

I knew Tamsin was in the college sector of the school, but I didn't realize she was that much older. The most surprising thing I found out was Alicia's age. She acts more mature than she should be. I guess that's what happens when you're groomed to take over the family business.

I was browsing around the store when I saw Zara intensely staring at the playful socks. She appeared to be stuck between Simpson socks and Minions socks. She noticed me and beckoned me over. Well, that's a first.

"Which one do you like better?" She held both of them up and waited for my opinion.

"Personally, I think the Minion socks are cuter."

"Cool, I'll get the Simpsons socks instead." I gasped when she walked away. She's so rude.

"Niki! Niki!" I turned to find Gemma skipping towards me with two varsity jackets in her hand: one Hufflepuff and the other Gryffindor. "One for Chico and one for me! Chico gets Gryffindor and I get Hufflepuff!  What do you think?!" I smiled at them because I thought they were cute. "Yay!" She hugged me. "I'm gonna go pay!" She announced before skipping off.

"Want anything?" I jumped at Ali's voice behind me. "Always so jumpy." She laughed.

"Why are you always sneaking up on me?" I crossed my arms.

"Because it's fun." She uncrossed my arms and pulled me in for a hug. "Now, see anything you like?"I looked at the Mario and Luigi hats. Ali quirked a brow, but didn't say a thing as I slapped a Mario hat on her head and took the Luigi one. "Why do I have to be Mario?" She complained.

"Because I like Luigi. Now, can we get the outfits please?" I gave her my best puppy dog eyes.

Needless to say, we left the store wearing the respective outfits. Zara saw how I easily convinced Ali. She began to tease her sister and call her whipped, so I decided to have a little payback. I saw Gemma and suggested that I thought it'd be so cute if she got her twin to wear a matching outfit with her. Gemma's eyes brightened at my idea, so I led her to the Thing 1 and Thing 2 costumes. I had an evil glint in my eye when she grabbed the crazy whigs.

So now, Ali and I were wearing the Mario and Luigi costumes, the twins were dressed up as Thing 1 and Thing 2 (I got Gemma to force Zara to be Thing 2), and Tamsin was forced to wear a "Where's Waldo" outfit (I also convinced Gemma to do that). The three McAllisters were grumbling while Gemma and I were skipping away arm in arm.

Tamsin declared she was hungry, so we went to a restaurant close by. I thought we'd stick out because of our outfits, but no one paid us any attention. The girls ordered a bunch of food so that I could sample the different cuisines of Hong Kong. All the food was super yummy, but I expected nothing less from the rich girls.

I find it funny how Zara thinks Ali is whipped for Nicola when she's whipped for her twin haha

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