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Nicola's POV

I tried texting Ali since she wasn't in school today. She still hasn't responded back to me, so something is definitely wrong. The only one who arrived at school was Gemma. I was a little annoyed because I needed to work with Zara on our project, but I couldn't make any real progress since she was absent.

I was forced to sit and work by myself. I sent Zara multiple messages yelling at her. She annoyed me even further by showing me that she read the messages, but refused to respond back. I called her out, so she sent me a message saying "sucks to suck."

I wanted to see Ali and bitch out Zara, so I asked Gemma to take me to her house. I didn't have to convince her since she agreed right way. I took hold of her and Chico's hands as I prayed for my safe arrival. Gemma defended her driving and stated she was a safe driver. Chico burst out in laughter while I told her she was the exact opposite of a safe driver.

She kissed Chico goodbye and drove us home. I pointed out how she almost hit 2 deer in the span of 5 minutes. She grumbled something about them appearing out of nowhere.

I asked her about why her sisters weren't in school today. She claimed that they had a big fight yesterday. Well, that was to be expected. She said Zara blurted out that Ali and I were dating and her grandmother flipped a shit. She also demanded they went to conversion therapy. I raised a brow, but she nodded. She then said she was also going to tag along. I was even more confused at her statement. I was about to ask her to clarify, but she pulled into the garage.

We walked inside to see cameramen setting stuff up and people doing sound checks. Gemma told me that Tamsin and Ali were going to do an interview. She then decided to lead me to her room so that we could wait, but Tamsin swooped in. Tamsin placed her hands on my shoulders and guided me to the living room.

"Oh, you will want to stay for this." Tamsin deviously grinned from behind me.

"I thought you and Ali were supposed to be doing the interview?" I questioned her.

"We were, but plans changed. Those two are fighting, so why not confine them to a professional meeting... that'll be broadcasted live. They'll be forced to put aside their differences and talk to each other." So this was Tamsin's genius plan to get the two sisters speaking to each other again.

We walked so that we were out of frame, but could still watch the interview. The hosts sat down across from the sisters. You could practically feel the tension radiating off them as they tried to sit as far a part as possible on the loveseat.

"Hi, I'm Jenny." She shook the sisters' hands.

"And I'm Ryan." He mimicked Jenny's actions. "We're honored to have you take time out of your busy schedule to sit with us."

"Likewise." They bitterly spoke in unison.

The hosts then signaled the cameraman to start recording. They then turned with bright smiles on their faces.

"Hi, I'm Jenny." She turned to the camera.

"And I'm Ryan. Today, we have two of the McAllister clan. They're young, attending school, but still dominating their respective industries. How are you today, girls?" He beamed at them.

"Lovely." Ali faked a smile.

"Could be better." Zara rolled her eyes. Tamsin's eyebrows scrunched at Zara's attitude. Zara did realize this was live, right?

"Why don't you girls introduce yourselves?" Jenny ignored Zara's attitude.

"Sure, hi I'm Zara and I brought this sack of garbage to do the show with me. We'll be talking about a lot of different things. Most unimportant, some interesting-"

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