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Nicola's POV

Rosé could hardly contain her excitement as the car drove up the familiar, winding path of the McAllisters' driveway. Rosé had brought a human sized totoro pillow. She had a full bag packed with God knows what. What did she think we were going to do? And how long was she planning on staying?!

She couldn't stop hitting my arm as the car passed the sculpted hedges. Since it was Spring, the trees had all their leaves, making the grounds look more regal and majestic. The driver pulled to a stop, allowing for the butler to open our door. I thanked Jason and walked in.

I wasn't exactly sure where Ali and her friends were, but I'm guessing the living room would be a good place to start. Yaz and Astrid were lounging around. I glanced around, but saw no Alicia. Astrid saw us and motioned us over. Rosé bounded over to sit in between them.

"Is that Totoro?!" Rosé eagerly nodded at Astrid. "Oh, I love him so much! I have a Haku dragon plushie. Haku was actually my first crush." Astrid and Rosé giggled.

"She's with Hillary, Natalie, and Bentley." Yaz answered my unspoken question. "Hillary wanted a specific brand of gold caviar, so they had to drive to the store. I refused to entertain her prissy demands, so here we are." She motioned to her and Astrid.

"I'm guessing her other friends are high maintenance?" I sat next to Yasmine.

"We all are, but some more than others." She glanced at her phone. "They're heading back now."

"Welp, they're not going to be here anytime soon because of traffic. Rosé, you've never been here before, right?" Rosé nodded at Astrid. "How about we give you a tour?" Rosé jumped up and down in excitement.

Yasmine and I lagged behind the hyper Koreans. Astrid gave her an in depth tour of the house and the different rooms. She pointed at Tamsin's room and forbade her from being closer than 30 feet from it. She then opened the twins' room, resulting in Zara angrily yelling at us while Gemma sweetly waved. When we stopped outside Alicia's room, Astrid debated whether to open it or not. I don't know why. Maybe it's because I've spent so much time here that it practically felt like my room, but I opened and walked inside.

Rosé looked around in awe at the room. Without being biased, I'd say that Alicia has the best room out of her sisters. Rosé was enamored by the gigantic fish tank in Ali's bathroom. She was even more amazed when I turned the lights off and the tank glowed.

"So this is where you all are?" We turned to see an amused smile on Ali's face. "It appears that Rosé is one of the few that has been privileged with seeing my room." She chuckled. "Come on. The others are down stairs." She beckoned us to follow her.

"Just so you know, we're the only ones allowed in her room. Her other friends have never been allowed inside." Yasmine whispered.

"Ah, I didn't know. I wouldn't have invited Rosé inside if-"

"She's obviously not mad. You really have conquered her heart since she didn't bat an eye at the new guest in her room." Astrid whispered with a laugh.

"Fair warning, the others are stuck up snobs. More snobby than us." Yasmine chuckled at her joke. "Hang with Tridi and I." I nodded at her and Astr- Tridi. "Oh, and you can call me Yaz."

Well, Yaz wasn't kidding when she called the others stuck up snobs. One of them, Bentley I think her name was, complained how her father bought her a dress from last season instead of this season. She was embarrassed to be seen wearing something so old. Natalie was pissed that her father bought her the wrong swatch car. She wanted midnight blue, but got cobalt blue instead.

Maybe Ali was having fun, but to me this was pure torture. The three snobs made no effort to socialize with me. They occasionally spoke to Rosé, but they mainly asked about her sister, Solar. Tridi and Yaz mainly entertained us. I was about ready to ask Ali for a sleeping pill so I could knock myself out.

Hillary demanded that Ali's chef make something that had no carbs, no sugar, no fats, and a lot more restrictions. I was tempted to hand her a water bottle and tell her to halt her entitled ass.

Bentley had requested that Ali hire masseuses so that she could relax. She specifically asked for a "hot shirtless man to oil her up." Jeez, how is it only 8pm?

Natalie was the only semi normal one since she went with the flow. Upon closer inspection, I think she was just a follower. She did whatever the other two did without question. I must've let out an audible groan since I saw Tridi snicker.

"I'm sorry, I can't help it." I turned to her.

"Don't apologize on my account. It's completely understandable." She smiled. "Here's something that may make you happy..." She looked around before lowering her voice. "The three brats aren't staying the night." She winked before walking over to Bentley.

"How many more hours till they leave?" I muttered under my breath.

"After dinner." I turned to see a smirking Ali.

"I can't wait for a flavorless meal!" I faked enthusiasm since Hillary kept reiterating her dietary restrictions to the chef.

"What? Boiled chicken is below you?" She smirked. "No need to worry your high class palate... regular meals will be served as well." She winked and walked to Hillary.

During dinner, I socialized with Yaz, Tridi and Rosé. The three snobs were in their own entitled world that they dragged Ali into. Ali refused to ignore her other guests and would mediate between us. It was then that I noticed they were all "friends," who had their own little clique. Yaz and Tridi were obviously not the biggest fans of the three and the feeling was mutual. I guess when you're in a certain social circle, you have a lot of fake friends or friends for convenience.

After dinner, the trio bid goodbye to everyone. Although, I think they had to force themselves to speak to me. If not for Ali's glare and dominating nature, I think they'd have ignored my entire existence. Once the door shut, Yaz let out a dramatic sigh.

"Finally, we can have fun!"

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